What would the world do without me?

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I was thinking one night 'What would the world do without me?'. I'm reminding myself that this was a time where I didn't have my amazing friend at the time.I kept thinking everyone would forget about me and not care if I died. To be honest, I believed it. I believed the voice in my head that no one would care if I died. I didn't choose to die, however. I kept living. I kept living for myself and I don't know why I did.

Near the end of the summer of 2018, I had the thought that I was fat. That day I had started eating less, no one noticed. Then I ate less the day after, then the day after. It got to the point where I was only eating dinner, but of course the voice never stops there. It had made me stop eating completely, I had gone through a day without eating. Until I had decided to comment on my friends book, (This was still a time when I wasn't their friend yet) they asked what was wrong and I spilt everything right then and there. All my problems, everything. I could have died of it weren't for them. I thank them with the bottom of my heart.

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