Why would the world need me?

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Why wouldn't be world need me. I'm not very good at much, I'm too tired all the time, nearly fall asleep during different of the day, I'm a terrible author, I have self-hatred problems, and I have little to no friends. I'm suffering from many of my own problems, I don't want to drag my friends into my mess of a life, so I have to fake happiness by wearing a mask. Hiding my real feelings. I trudge through the day suffering from sleep deprivation and self harm. Everything hurts some days, some days I'm just numb. I might just kill myself one day it it comes to that day. Hopefully not at the age I am now. I'm talking to an amazing friend and they are helping me so much. Why would the world need me though? Was I ment to be here by giving love to others and not myself? It seems like that...... that's fine though. Everyone else needs love, not me.

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