Chapter 9

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Baekhyun's POV

I woke up when I smell something that I don't even know who is cooking.I was about to sit up when I felt a sudden pain from my lower back,thigh and 'you know what is it'.

"Arghhh"Tears streaming down to my eyes because of too much pain.

"Baekhyun,Good Morn-.WHY ARE YOU CRYING?"I saw Chanyeol put down the tray that he is holding and went to me.

"Why are you crying?Hhmm?"He said hugging me.

"I-It hurts e-everywhere"I heard him chuckled.


"You were the one who is telling me to go faster last night right?"he said while laughing.

3rd Person's POV

The midget cried harder when he heard the giant's replied.Chanyeol immediately panicked so the only thing he so is kissed his husband lips to stop him from crying.

"Shhh.I am sorry okay?Please don't cry anymore.Come on let's eat our breakfast the I made."he said helping Baekhyun to sit up.

"I-I have no cl-clothes"they both blushed at the sentence.

"Wait me here"Chanyeol went to Baekhyun's closet and take a new pair of clothes then went back to Baekhyun.

"Here.Wear that before this breakfast become awful"he chuckled.

After Baekhyun wore the clothes he saw his husband sitting on their bed.So he walk limping to Chanyeol.

"Does it hurt that much?You are limping to much."The giant asked worriedly.

"Nah,just buy me painkillers"they both started eating and when they were finished Baekhyun asked:

"Where is Chanhyun?"

Chanyeol replied:

"I already told your parents about us going back to our house,so earlier they went to have a little bonding with our Chanhyun."

Chanyeol went down to wash the dishes when Kyungsoo sudenly appears halfway.

"YAHH!!!What are you?A ghost?Are you planing to kill me?"he shout.

"If I were planing to kill you,I won't go easy like duhh,I will kill you slowly so stop being paranoid.Here."Kyungsoo throws the painkillers to Chanyeol.

"You both were to loud last night that I could not even closed my eyes.I over heard you earlier so I already bought it for him"he added.

"Can you give it to him upstairs?I will wash the plates."Chanyeol asked and Kyungsoo nods.

Kyungsoo went upstairs.He knocked at the door then when he heard his friend says come in .

"Chanyeol said drink this painkillers and-"Baekhyun cutted him.

"No Kyung,I can't drink that"He said.


"Kyung,what if I got impregnate by Chanyeol for the second time?"

"Wae?Did he come inside you?"


"How many rounds?"

Almost 10 rounds.Baekhyun thought.

"More than one"He replied causing Kyungsoo to face palm.

"Then expect a mini you or him now"

"Don't tell Chanyeol yet about the things that we talk about right now please"Kyungsoo hugged Baekhyun the hummed in respond.

"Baek?"Chanyeol come in inside their room.

"Did you already drank the painkillers?"He asked then secretly Kyungsoo remove the painkiller inside the sachet then he put it inside his pocket.

"Ne,he already drank it"After that Kyungsoo went out of the room leaving the two inside.

"You okay now?"Chanyeol asked.

"Ne,just a little bit sore but I'm fine"

"Then can we go home today or not?"He asked to Baekhyun while hugging him.

"N-Ne,just we will get ready for now"After that Chanyeol nod then he leaned down to kissed Baekhyun on lips.Just a peck on the lips.

After that kiss they got ready.Taking a bath,wearing a new pair of clothes then after that they just went downstairs to wait for Chanhyun.After waiting about 1 1/2 hour there son already arrived with Baekhyun's parents following.

"Mom,Dad we will now go"Baekhyun stand up and walk limply to hugged his both parents.

"Chanyeol-ah please take care of Baekhyun now okay?We don't want to happen thay scene in your family.Always remember Baekhyun if Chanyeol hurted you again don't ever hesitate to come back here okay?"Baekhyun's mother said with teary eyes.

"Ne,We love the three of you(three-Chanhyun,Chanyeol and Baekhyun)"His father said while smilling to the scene infront of him.

"When Chanyeol hurted just tell me and I will immediately prepare for the bomb erosion inside Chanyeol's house"Kyungsoo said joining the hug.

"Mommy why are you limping?"Chanhyun pulled the hem of his mother T-shirt.

"Ah-Ahmm"His mother stuttered and blush causing for the others to smirk with a knowing looked.

"Come on Chanhyun helped Daddy picking up the things."Chanyeol and Chanhyun went out of the living room.

"Take care Baekhyun.We Love You"

After that the we,Park Family went back to there home.They arrived to there house around 3 at the afternoon(is it too long compare to the first ride Chanyeol went to Baekhyun's house at the past chapter?).It is long cause they happened to pass a mall and they went there.

I carry his sleeping son to his arm then his great ful husband help him.

" Were home Baekhyun"

"Ne"I smiled when I remember a memory before there family face that big problem.

"Yaya!!!Help please take the baggage at the car!!"My giant shouted and they both went inside their house.

"There is nothing change"I looked around the house with an awe because everything that he left is still there.

"Come on take our son to his room"
I looked at Chanyeol with a questioning looked.As if the giant understood the looked mine,he answered.

"Remember when you were still pregnant with our son,we fixed a room for him"

"Ohh"That was the only thing I answered because I can't believe that he manage to take care of that room.

We went there and when my husband opened that door,I got shocked cause there is a lot of gift in the room.I laid Chanhyun down and went towards the gift.

"Who gave all of this?"I Asked.

"That belongs to you and our son.Everytime there is a celebration I always bought the both of you a gift,when you know in case that you come back you wont think that I forgot about you."I saw a tear that fell from his eyes causing me to feel a pang in my heart.

"I'm sorry Yeol.I broke the promise that I made infront of the altar.I am so selfish I am-"I didn't have a chance to finish what I supposed to say when I felt a lip contact to mine.He kissed me.

"Shh,it is already in the past and beside it is my fault why you left.Baekhyun can you promise me one thing?"

"What is it?"

"Promise me you wont leave.In the times of trial we will face it together."He looked at me directed to my eyes.

"Ofcourse.Maybe that time I am not that strong but I am sure that I am much stronger now"He smiled at me after hearing my reply.  

"I love you Yeol"

"I love you too"

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