Chapter 5: The Apprentice Falls And The Master Rages

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It happened exactly as it had before and it was unnerving as it had been the first time. They arrived at the hangar, just in time to see the massive durasteel doors open, revealing Darth Maul. He always did like to have a dramatic entrance, Obi-Wan reflected dryly, eyeing Maul. He had to give him that. The Sith stood, his hood shadowing his face and his hands gripping his two-blades saber. "Go," he hears Qui-Gon say to Padme and the rest of the Naboo guards, " We'll handle this."

And, as one, they charged at the Sith warrior.

————— —————

Maul was exactly as Obi-Wan had remembered him. He fought aggressively and mercilessly. This, however, as Obi-Wan knew, would cause him to run out of energy quickly. Then, Qui-Gon foolishly charged ahead and before Obi-Wan could react, Maul pushed him and he felt himself fall off and land face-first on a catwalk. He lay there for awhile, gasping for breath.

NO! He would NOT let it happen again!

Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself upwards and watched Qui-Gon battle the Sith warrior on the catwalk, eyes wide, and his head pounding. As the zabrak Sith edged backwards, leading Qui-Gon towards the ray shields of the melting pit. Using the Force to power his leaps, Obi-Wan hurried after Qui-Gon. Just as the Sith began to run into the shields, Obi-Wan yelled, " Wait!"

Qui-Gon hesitated, allowing the Sith to escape six segments into the shields. Turning, the Jedi Master gave his Padawan a bewildered look.

"Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked, just outside the first segment of the ray shields, and the pain in Obi-Wan's mind ebbed, returning to an uncomfortable itch.

"No," Obi-Wan hissed, "We take him together."

Qui-Gon's eyes widened, and he mouthed a word Obi-Wan didn't recognize. Obi-Wan opened his mouth to continue, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Very well," Qui-Gon nodded, a hardness settling over his blue eyes, "I am proud of you, my Padawan."

Obi-Wan stared at his Master, a lump forming in his throat upon hearing those words, and then, he turned to the ray shields.

The barriers lifted.

Obi-Wan threw himself at Maul . He moved as if he was going on autopilot. He knew each attack the Sith would use, having experienced before the Sith even thought of using it. Qui-Gon parried and struck at the Sith, though Obi-Wan held the zabrak's attention. The first time, Qui-Gon's wounding was the catalyst Obi-Wan needed to defeat the Sith, though, as the fight progressed, Obi-Wan felt himself faltering. Weakened, he leaped across the pit, to regroup. Qui-Gon captured the Sith's attention.

The Force screamed in his ears as Maul knocked Qui-Gon on the chin, and lifted his red lightsaber, ready to stab the Jedi Master in the chest. Desperately, Obi-Wan lifted his hand and yanked Qui-Gon backwards using the Force, pulling him to safety. However, in his desperation, he pulled Qui-Gon too hard and the Jedi Master hit the wall hard and slumped downwards, unconscious.The zabrak snarled and turned to Obi-Wan. "You will pay for that," Maul hissed, furious at having lost his chance to kill the Jedi.

The zabrak charged at him and the two blades met together in a furious tangle of red and blue. Maul pressed harder and Obi-Wan's grip faltered for a split second. That was all the advantage Maul needed and he pushed the lightsaber into Obi-Wan's shoulder. Obi-Wan leapt backwards, hissing in pain. He fought on, gritting his teeth together, as he landed blow after blow with his lightsaber.

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