Bonus #1

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I'm a terrible author :(

Sorry that I haven't updated for so long, but the good news is that the next chapter is nearly done. Just need to polish up a bit more...

Thanks for all your support :)

(It really inspired me to continue writing)

As an apology, please accept my humble offering:

(Based on some of the comments)

Possible Future 1:
"Hey, vod," Fives asks cheerily, bumping their shoulders together. "You alright?"

A huge grin split across Tup's face. "Never better!" He beamed. "I have found my calling!"

"Osik." Fives muttered under his breath. He turned around. "Okay, who got Tup's drunk?"

"Drunk, vod?" One of the troopers, Romeo, piped up excitedly. "Where?"

Fives shook his head in fond amusement. He turned around to speak to his brother again, but Tup's was... was... running off?

"Oi," Fives yelled. "You're breaking regs and - where the hell are you going, soldier?"

"See y'all later." Tup's tossed back over his shoulder. He felt so incredibly happy! He had found his purpose!

A mere five hours later....

"Clone." Chancellor Palpatine sneered. "What are you doing here?"

Tup cackled. "Die, peasant."

He opened fire, watching in satisfaction as the Chancellor's wrinkled face turned into an 'o' of surprise and the elderly man went down.

Fox burst in the room, several armed Coruscant clone guards with him. Aghast, he took in the sight in front of him.

"Vod," He spluttered, "You just killed the- the Chancellor!"

"I know!" Tup answered happily. "Help me dispose of him, vod."

"Arrest him." Fox said grimly, motioning to the murderer in the room. He turned to face Tup, a betrayed expression on his face. "Why?"

Tup looked completely unperturbed by the fuss around him. "Order 66, mate. Kill the Chancellor?"

Fox froze, as did everyone else in the room.

"Kill the Chancellor." The clone repeated, an odd look settling over his face.

Tup slung an arm over his vod's shoulder. "Come on, brother, we got a dead Chancellor to dispose off."

Fox paused thoughtfully, before shrugging. "Just dump him in the lower levels. Scum like him belong there."

———- ———
Possible Future 2:
"Commander Fox." Palpatine stated, eyeing the clone.

"Yes, sir?" The clone asked, back straightening and shoulders tightening.

"Order some takeout for me." The Chancellor ordered harshly, not bothering to spare the disgusting little clone another look. Instead, he stared out the large window. The Jedi Temple loomed ahead, silent and unyielding in the night. Fools, Palpatine seethed in rage.

He couldn't wait for the Jedi to die.

Plans of an Empire, magnificent and powerful, rose in his mind once more. He would rule the entire galaxy with an iron fist and all would bow to him. He would make them kneel, and he would be the one to break their weak minds and bodies until he was in complete control. The Jedi would die, Palpatine himself would see to that.

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