Chapter 6: The Three Go Down The Same Path

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The lights of Coruscant dimmed, eventually replaced by the natural lights of the few blinking stars and faraway planets that hung beautifully in the dark evening sky. The skyscrapers were gigantic natural monoliths, and the supersized structures around the city marked Coruscant as a monument of ingenuity. And... yet, somehow, it seemed somehow the mark of folly, of futile pride striving against the vastness and majesty beyond the grasp of any being. Even the wind at the higher levels of the structures sounded mournful, almost as a warning to the ever looming darkness.

Obi-Wan and Anakin stood in the turbolift of the Senate apartment complex. Beside him, Anakin squirmed impatiently. Obi-Wan noted this and he smirked at the impatient, younger boy. He grinned, "Don't deny it, you miss Senator Amidala."

Anakin blushed and looked down at his feet, " Well.." He said nervously, "It was a long time since we saw Padme..."

"Uh, Senator Amidala."
"I thought so."
"I know! You have a crush on her, right?"
"Your secret is out now, Anakin. Yes! I have blackmail material."
"I absolutely, absolutely hate you right now."
"I know."

A cough from behind them interrupted their argument. Anakin turns sheepishly and smiles weakly at his master, Qui-Gon. "Uh, please pretend you didn't hear that." Anakin says.

Qui-Gon crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "You do know that now, I have blackmail material too?"

Anakin groans, "You two are the worse." He turns to Obi-Wan, "Mention this to anyone and I'll tell everyone, even Master Yoda, about a certain Mandalorian Duchess." Anakin threatens.

Obi-Wan freezes. "Don't.You.Dare!" He hisses at Anakin.

Qui-Gon beams proudly, and pats Anakin on the head, "Thank you, Anakin. Now I have blackmail material on both of you."

————— —————-
As the three of them steps into the corridor, a door across the way slides open and a well-dressed Gungan, wearing red and black robes, steps into the corridor opposite them. The four stare at each other for just a moment, before Jar Jar Binks loses all sense of formality and practically tackles both Anakin and Obi-Wan in a hug. Obi-Wan yelps in surprise before falling over onto the floor, landing flat on his back.

"Obi! Obi! Obi!" Jar Jar Binks cries happily, his tongue and ears flapping. "Mesa so smilen to see'en yousa! Wahoooo!" The Gungan turns to Anakin. " Little Ani! Mesa so glad to see' each yousa too!" He beams.

A cough from behind him interrupts him. "Jar Jar Binks ! I told you not to tackle guests." Padme sighs.

She turns to Obi-Wan and takes his hand in her own. "It has been far too long, Knight Kenobi." She turns and bows her head, "Master Jinn. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again." Padme frowns, " But I still think that your presence is unnecessary."

"I am sure that the members of the Jedi Council have their reasons," Obi-Wan replies easily.

"Perhaps." Padme answers. Her face is resigned and worn, but then a look of curiosity replaces it as she glances at Anakin. She steps to the side, so that she stands directly in front of Anakin.

"Ani?" she asked, her expression purely incredulous and surprise. Her smile and the flash in her eyes showed that she needed no answer. For just a flicker, Anakin feels her spirit leap.

"Ani," Padme said again. "Can it be? My goodness how you've grown!" She looked him up and down. Anakin realised that he was taller than her but this did not boost his confidence, though, so lost was he, gaping at Padme.

She really is an angel, he thinks dazedly.

Her smile widened, a clear sign that she was glad to see him. "So have you," he answered awkwardly, as if he had to force each word from his mouth. "Grown more beautiful, I mean."

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