CH # 23

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Chapter 23:

I was woken up a few hours later, by Nex. Even by then, I was still feeling quite sleepy. So imagine my surprise when I get mobbed by a small tribe of children in a varying of ages, ranging from about 2-ish to about 8-ish.

That had my eyes open, quick and smart. I looked and I saw the woman, who I assumed was the children's mother, considering that the girls looked like her.

"You." She whispered hoarsely to him.

"Hello. The Clinic was only able to get in contact with me yesterday." I was shocked at that, I looked up at the sky and saw morning light.

"Where did we sleep last night?" I whispered to Nex through our private mind-link.

"On the plane. I wasn't ready or willing to wake you up, seeing as your mood is horrible at best when you only get a few hours sleep at best. I know how you can be love." He whispered back to me. Via the same way that I had contacted him.

I smiled privately. I know how my temper can be when my beauty sleep is cut much too short.

She must have been silent for those few moments between Nex and my private mind-link communications. "I guess it was inevitable. I guess we need to see how a true mating will be on the kids."

"I won't push you to do anything. Can we come in?" Drake asked.

"Yeah. Come on in." She said as she stepped aside, her slightly protruding belly was a dead give away about her current, slightly pregnant status.

"Is it alright if we have a look around?" I asked her, being rather blunt.

"Who are you anyway?" She asked me.

"Me?" I asked just to make sure that she was taking to me. She nodded. "I am your mate's step-mother, he calls me ma, you can call me that as well. I want to make it clear. I don't care about age differences, all I care about is you treating my step-son properly. If you need help, I can be here within a few hours, or I could send someone as my replacement. If you need money, we can do that also. Just don't be afraid to ask for help. It takes a strong woman to take what life throws in her path, but it takes a stronger woman to acknowledge and ask for help when she needs it. No judging." I said.

She nodded and she left me to wonder around on my own. She lived in an economy sized two bedroom apartment. The largest bedroom, which wasn't all that much biggest than the smaller of the two bedrooms, was designated as a dressing room, crammed full of dressers.

I was shocked, not at the size, because it was a decent size, but by how she had to use what little space she had, to support her growing family. But she did it, sacrificing her personal space so that she could help her children be as healthy as possible.

I knew Nex was gonna splurge on the grandchildren so that I needed to get her to move out of this apartment. But how to do that? I thought about it as I walked back to the living room, to sit beside Nex.

"I have a new place lined up. But I could barely afford this place on my salary." Drake's mate admitted.

"I can pay the rest off, which I will do as soon as possible, but don't worry about the next place, my son should have enough saved to pay for half, I want to pay the other half so that this is my gift to you and my grandchildren." My loving mate said to his newest daughter.

She smiled at him hesitantly. "It is alright. He might spend a little too much on things for his children's soulmates and their children, but he won't shun family. He might stop supporting them, to teach them the hard way to be self-supported, but he isn't vindictive." I told her.

She nodded and smiled more brightly. After that, the conversation was so much more relaxed about all of that stuff. Drake's children were over the moon to meet their daddy, and even more happy when he told than that he was gonna take them all shopping.

Needless to say, the shopping trip was a chore, but the children enjoyed it. Back at the tiny apartment, we began to pack up all of their things, their possessions, and their belongings. So anyway, by sunset, the new place was purchased and then began the task of moving. This task being rather hard to begin with, but it was so much more difficult with kids zooming in and out of rooms, playing amongst boxes that were heavy, and sometimes throwing a tizzy, a tanty, a tantrum.

By nine o'clock that night, we moved in all of their possessions. Now Nex and I needed to make sure that Drake's belongings were shipped over for him.

By ten o'clock, Nex and I were on the plane, heading back home, and it seems like we would be stayin another night on the plane. Not that I minded all that much, because the bed was über comfortable. But I did sleep like a baby that night too.

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