CH # 22

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Chapter 22:

My night was as good as it could be. Di got warmer. Her temperature came up to normal levels. So I was able to take her back to work with me. I wanted to have her relaxing one of the chaise lounges that Nex had installed in my new office for me.

I had Darren help Diamond get dressed for work today. She was to be dressed in a maxi dress that synched in just under her bust, so that we're belly can bloom as free as it needs to bloom into a soon-to-be set of twins. Diamond was still a little weak, but hey, she still needs to build up her strength.

So, to keep herself occupied, Diamond was looking over the Pack lands Blue-Prints and she asked me why we had a space that was still unlabelled. "Oh, I think that was like a food stock storage area." I was thinking.

"Can I turn it into a cheap food market? That way, I know that we could keep our money in the pack. So that we will at least have money if our companies and stuff shall fall. You know?" I nodded.

"Maybe even can have a market place in front of it with permanent stalls in front of this food market? After all, a lot of the people in our pack has a room full of boxes of stuff that they made. If we do that, why not set up a list of people who have the stuff that they want to sell?" I said.

Diamond began nodding like crazy. "Yeah, and when we know the number of stalls we could set up a roster on who gets to sell their goods at what stall."

I gasped. "OH MY GOD!" I squealed. "GOOD IDEA! And when we open the market place, we could paper a few Towns around our pack grounds with flyers on our market's grand opening."

Diamond gasped and said, "Why don't we have have market store and the market place grand openings at one time, like one super grand opening. The best of two worlds!"

We held each others hands and squealed loudly, which happened to have our mates racing into the room that we were in.My office. I think Nex and Darren had been listening in on us. "I think I could get Heath to construct a dozen or so stalls. Besides, it would be a good idea to have these extra ventures so that if worst comes to worst, we would have the cash we need." He hugged Diamond in a fatherly manner. "And it seems I have more to say, seeing as a new grandchild, or grandchildren, are going to be entering the world soon." He kissed Diamond's forehead and hugged his son.

I began to look into the stuff needed for opening a business, as I sent a general announcement through our pack link. "Anyone who would like to sign up to sell hand-made goods in a market setting should leave a notice in the business inbox for myself or Nex. Tell the lady at the front desk that the note is on a personal matter. And I will have her number them as they come in, in order of our future roster. Thank you. I hope you have a nice day."

I listed the things needed to do. Get premises. Done. Get business permits. Nex is doing that. Bulk food orders from the food companies. Doing that. Bulk buy of individual boxes. Gonna do that when I know the measurements for the boxes needed. Set up Market Place roster. Will do that in a week or two, after we all move into our respective homes in our respective sub-Pack territories.

"Ma. I was gonna see if I could go to the pack grounds earlier than everyone else." Drake said, seating himself across from me.

"Why?" I asked. Curious.

"I had a notification that my donations to the SIVF Clinic Global..." He sounded quite shy actually. "They said that they messed up the protocol about eight years ago and they were only just able to get in contact with me a few hours ago. Which is understandable seeing as I was nomadic up until about a year ago. I need to go. I have eight kids, and two on the way. I need to make sure that they are all safe." Then he started babbling about wanting to make sure that they were safe, that they were healthy. But when I raised my hand to stop his babble, I was going to let him go.

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