Chapter 1. There since day one

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The proud mother looked down upon her newly birthed children. Big e/c (eye colour) and wide green eyes shone innocence up at the teary eyed woman. The mother was giddy, boring her adoration into the little humans in her arms. The youngest child stared at her mother whilst reaching up as to touch her tiny fingers to her mother's face. Upon contact, the woman smiled at her newborn's gentle touch. The baby copied her expression with an adorable smile of her own, grinning ear to ear with an exited giggle whilst her brother fell into sleep.

Beside the hospital bed sat the mother's most loyal and trusted friend with a baby of her own nestled in her arms. Her spiky blonde locks swayed slightly as she leaned forward suddenly to get a closer look at the child, smiling wide. She gasped.
"Inko, she's gorgeous! And the boy looks just like you! You two are almost identical!" The woman exclaimed, red eyes glistening excitedly. Inko, the gentle green haired mother of the children, chuckled. The two adults gazed at the non-identical twins in a loving manner.

Then, the clearing of a throat signalled for the two to look towards the doorway. At the bland entrance a rather tall doctor stood.
"Hello, Mrs Midoriya, Mrs Bakugou." A calm voice sounded.
The joyous mother found herself smiling at the man, finding comfort in his appearance.
"Yes, hello." She said.
"If it's alright with you I'm just going to run through some things just to check if you're doing alright after the birth, okay?"
"Alright." She breathed, still slightly tiresome from the recent birth of her loving children.

Four years later ~

Inko stood at the doorstep, A key in hand whilst the other held her eldest child Izuku's hand. Despite the metal object that approved her entrance, the single mother still decided to knock in pure politeness.
"Mommy?" The small, freckled boy called.
"Yes, dear?" She replied softly.
"Are we gonna see Kacchan again?"
"Yes, yes we are Izu baby. This is y/n's (your name) first time meeting him. That means she'll probably be talking to him the most today, okay?"
The boy scrunched his face slightly, clearly masking a pout.
"But why? I thought Kacchan was my friend?"
The mother sighed. "He is your friend honey but y/n doesn't know him yet."
"That means she'll have to get to know him by talking."
The toddler looked puzzledly up at his mother.
"Why doesn't she know Kacchan, mommy?"
"Because she hasn't been to school yet."
"Because I teach her at home instead."
"Why do you-"

Suddenly, the door slammed open.
"WHO THE HELL IS KNOCKING AT THIS- oh. Hello there, Inko." Greeted the figure at the door.
Said woman giggled. "Hello, Mitsuki. If you don't mind I've come to introduce y/n to Katsuki."
"So she wants to see that brat, huh? Bloody four years... Wish it were longer for her own good." The friend shook her head slightly with her hand on her hip and the other pinching her forehead. "Oh well, come on in then!"

The rather blunt friend stepped aside from the doorway and the three stepped inside the large household.
Immediately at the entrance to welcome their arrival was Masaru, the firery eyed woman's husband.
"Ah, Inko! It's so pleasant to see you! I see you've brought Izuku again." He exclaimed, welcomingly.
"Masaru, the same goes to you. How are you by the way? With this volcano of a wife and all!" Inko heartily joked.
"HEY!" Mitsuki snapped.
The three adults burst into the sudden fit of laughter before something tugged at Inko's soft lilac cardigan and she abruptly stopped. Humming in confusion, she looked down to a petit girl with h/l (hair length) h/c (hair colour) hair clutching her mother's clothing in a tight fist.

"M-Mommy..." Came a small squeak.
"Hm? Y/n what's wrong, sweetie?" The mother cooed.
"M-Mommy, I-I wanna g-go home..."
Inko's eyes softened and she crouched down to meet the girl's level. Izuku stood beside them awkwardly, perplexed as to why his sister was so desperate to leave suddenly.
"Why dear?"
"W-what if- what if he's mean, mommy?"
The mother smiled and she softly stroked the child's hair. Before she could say anything as a reply to her anxious daughter, a loud stomping could be heard. Assuming it was Mitsuki trudging up the stairs to get her rambunctious child, Inko shook her head lovingly with a smile encasing her lips. Masaru copied her actions, chuckling slightly.
"You're right, Inko. What am I going to do with her?"
A loud bang could be heard and the two laughed again.
"I'm surprised you're still with her!" Inko joked.
"Yeah, so am I but I am certainly glad I did."
Mrs Midoriya giggled. "She's great isn't she Masaru?"
"An angel with horns." He replied dreamily.
The pale woman smiled at his clouded eyes. He truly did love her, that man did; it was heart warming to see.

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