so I kinda wanna end this and I need opinions

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Okay. So.


No but srsly I'm sorry my stuff is turning to shit I'm just kinda losing interest with the whole omegaverse thing soooo.... Idk I might delete it soon or somethin whadda yall think? I could make another story but not omegaverse? Would you guys maybe like another Bakugou x reader or like a todoroki x reader idk I need opinions here pls. I dont really enjoy writing this but i know some of you actually like it for some reason and want an update soooo I might make just one last special fluff chapter or something for you guys if you like it so much?? Idk man. Just tell me what to do pls I don't even know anymore

I guess i may just scrap this and make a different one sooo

Bakugou x reader


Todoroki x reader

And should I scrap this one? [I probably won't continue it if no... Or make a final fluff chappie or somethin]




Also I just want to say thank you so much to everybody who ever read or voted for this story it means so much to me and sorry for not updating literally ever... srsly thank you a lot 😩😁❤

An Alpha's Mark - Alpha! Katsuki Bakugou x Omega! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now