Chapter 4. Tell me

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2 weeks later ~

I stared at the clock.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

That sound rang in my ears again and again, a repeated siren's song gradually driving me to insanity. Izuku was late again. Since that day, he's been coming home later and later with every passing day, exhaustion both mentally and physically written across his features whenever he would finally arrived. He would only eat certain foods mom set out for him as though there was a specific diet in which he was to stick to each day. Recently, he even bought weights. I was becoming tired of it. I'd had enough.

Then, the unlatching of a door caught my attention. There was a shuffling before soft footsteps plodded upstairs. I pushed myself from my position against the wall behind my bed and stumbled over to the doorway.


He was standing by the door to his room, hand pathetically grasping the door handle. With steady steps, I lightly pushed him aside and opened the door for him. He looked puzzledly at me for a moment before thanking me and heading inside. I followed, closing the door behind me. Removing his hoodie and chucking it alongside the pile of All Might printed shirts and clothing, he sprawled himself out on the bed. Sitting on the edge of the hero inspired structure, I peered over at him. His eyes were closed and his lips were ever so slightly parted, his chest rising and falling softly with each calm breath he took.
"Hm?" He hummed in reply to my call, remaining relatively still.
"Look at me."
An eye casually opened, green lazily meeting e/c.
"Your late."
"I know..."
He looked startled for a second, both eyes now wide and staring confusedly at me. His hand scratched the back of his neck as he mumbled incoherent words. I gazed boredly at him, silently awaiting a proper answer. When minutes had passed and the air still lacked a response, I repeated myself.
"Why were you late again, Izuku?"
My tone caught him off guard; he was visibly uncomfortable with my question, or perhaps it was my general presence at this point - I didn't know but I didn't care much either. I had to know. I repeated my question a third time.
"Why were you late again?"
"I-I um... Well- I just u-uh-"
My eyes cast downwards to meet the grinning hero on the duvet - oh, how I dispised that face in this moment.
"Nevermind..." I mumbled, disappointed that he had yet to trust me enough as to tell me. It hurt. A lot.
"I understand."
At that I stood, removing my clearly unwanted presence from his room. I didn't even bother looking back at him, too afraid it would give away the sadness in my eyes.

He doesn't trust you. Nobody does or ever will. You're worthless. Nobody really cares - everything's all just fake anyways... heros... villains... what's even the difference anymore? They all just want the same thing anyways - they're all fake...

As my hand reached out as to grasp the handle that allowed passage to the exit, a loss of contact with the familiar metal forced me out of my daze. Something grasped my wrist tightly.
My eyes widened and I felt as though the world around me just stopped. It took me a while to piece together what he had just said. He apologised? But for what?
A small chuckled escaped my lips before escalating to a fit of heavy laughter, clutching both the wall and Izuku's shoulder in order to stabilise myself. He immediately stopped his mumbling. He was tense under my touch and I could feel his body freeze up entirely before relaxing again. When my laughter had finally died down, I wiped a single tear that had fallen down my cheek and ruffled his messy fluff of hair.
"Don't be sorry ya big goof!" I giggled.

His eyes softened, but then his stern expression returned to the seriousness he had upheld prior to this moment.
"Y/n... I'm really sorry..."
I halted any train of thought, pouring all attention onto the non-identical twin stated in front of me. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, taking a large breath before stutteringly continuing his speech. "I-I... recently I um... recently I've been through a lot - I've been doing a lot... I've been out late so much because... well..." He sighed, inhaling another deep breath. I placed my hands on his shoulders reassuringly, smiling softly at him so he knew to continue. He stared at me for a while, slowly collecting himself before proceeding. "I-I've been training with All Might. I want to get into UA and to do that I need all the help I can get. I know what he said to me that day b-but... recently he said he thinks that I can be a hero a-and that he-he's willing to help me get there! All Might is going to train me to become the hero I want to be! And I will get into UA and become number one!"

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