Chapter 3. Found you

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Left, right, right again, alleyway, darkness, stop. Green. Messy, curly green. Izuku.


"Hey Izu-" I stopped. My body froze. My ever so slightly elder brother stood staring down at a book that lay strewn across the ground. It was his book; it was his prized hero notebook he cared oh so dearly for. "H-hey are you ok?"
With a slower, more steady pace I cautiously inched towards him, my hand outstretched in his direction.
"Go away." It was barely above a whisper and I would have missed it if it weren't for the pin-drop silence suffocating my being in that moment. In the dark of that claustrophobic alleyway, I could scaresly make out his expression. I drew closer still.

If I just reached out I could almost-

"I SAID GO AWAY!" He blustered at me, his voice hoarse and stressed, ringing deafeningly loud in my ears. He shoved me, slamming my back against the dull brick wall. I bit my lip against the pain, drawing scarlet red and wincing as it flooded the soft, pink flesh. I leant with one arm supporting myself against the wall, catching my breath whilst he stood head down and fists clenched in front of me.
"You never listen..." It was faint, weak and tired and it hurt to hear him like that. He was never like this. But... then what was wrong? Even in this moment I had no idea what he thinking... I never did.
"NO ONE EVER DOES!" He lashed out at me again, his words paining me more than they should, like knives slicing into my skin excruciatingly slowly and brutely stabbing into the flesh. He wobbled slightly as he almost drunkenly forced himself forwards, his gaze fixated on the floor and his expression unreadable from my position.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'M SICK OF PEOPLE TELLING ME WHAT TO DO, OF TELLING ME I CAN'T BE A HERO! I'M SICK OF IT! FUCKING SICK!" He was yelling at me, screaming at me like I'd never heard him do ever before. Izuku would never swear - never. His eyes were dark and violent as they met mine that were wide with what was supposeably fear or shock - I wasn't sure. This wasn't my brother. This wasn't Izuku.

His body seemed to collapse then, his figure heavy and cold as he buckled to his knees. He buried his face in the shelter of his arms as he gripped his hair in frustration, shaking violently.
Then his volume lowered and he choked out a sob. "I-I'm ju-ust so si-ick of it a-all..."

I couldn't stand to see him like this anymore. It tore my heart in pieces to see my only sibling in such a damaged state. Upon instinct, I pushed myself from my cowering position against the wall and crouched to his level, wrapping my arms around him. Izuku tensed immediately, even going as far as attempting to pry me off him but to no success. Eventually, he gave in and my brother was back again. Broken - but back. Sobbing salty tears on my hoodie, I felt him nuzzling into the nape of my neck, finding comfort in the familiar scented fabric. I could almost feel him relax and his heart beat calm to a steady pace.

Bum, bum.

Bum, bum.

He snifled. "I'm s-sor-ry..."
I felt horrible. I hadn't said anything since he first shouted at me.
"Hey... don't be. Just... tell me what's wrong, ok? I'll listen this time. I promise." I spoke in a soft tone, trying my hardest to comfort him in his time of need. Izuku shifted to another position before sighing heavily as though he had been holding that one breath in for weeks.
"A-All Might... he- he s-said I'd never... h-he sa-aid that I-I'd never be a h-her-ro..." At that he broke into tears again and I couldn't believe the words that had left his mouth. All Might... the number one hero - the Symbol of Peace... told my brother that he- that he would never be a hero? His dream? Wanting to be a hero is what made Izuku 'Izuku'. It's what he had been dreaming of ever since he and I were able to walk and talk. Since I could remember, he was waddling around with a blanket as a cape and a spoon in hand as a sword, searching the premesis of the house for villains and evil-doers. And now his biggest idel says that he can't become the one thing he cared to be?

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