Chapter 7. Omega

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I sat shivering slightly on the edge of the clinical bed. I was handed a glass of water and hesitantly swallowed down two small pink pills alongside the clear liquid. They were sweet on my tongue and my shoulders relaxed in relief as the saccharine scent thinned and vanished into the surrounding atmosphere. I sighed.
"Now deary, Im going to have to ask you a few questions, okay?" Recovery Girl, the elderly nurse with kind yet stern eyes, stared concernedly at me from where she sat at the side of the hospital bed, seated upon a plastic white chair. She adjusted her glasses, pulling them down to the end of her nose as to give me direct eye contact. In the plain room of medical equipment and informative magazines, books and posters, we were alone. Her stare was instense. I gulped.
"Y-yes, miss."
"Now, now. No need for formality, Midoriya - Recovery Girl is fine."
She returned her gaze back upon a clipboard of sorts in her hold and ran her pen along the edge of the paper. I nodded my head understandingly.
"Good. Now - first question. I am almost certain you are aware that you are an omega, correct?"
I already knew where this was going.
"And you are aware that your form states that your are a beta?"
She tutted, shaking her head slightly.
"Okay. Is there a reason for why this is?" There was a pause as she awaited impatiently for an answer. "Well?"
"I-I um..."
"Come on now, girly! Spit it out, will you?"
"I-I didn't th-think that it w-would be a pr-problem, ma'am-"
"Don't lie to me, child."
My eyes widened and a sigh escaped my lips as I visibly shrunk into the crumpled, clinical sheets beneath me. I could feel my heart thrashing against my chest, my thoughts threatening to stab through my skull and the sweat cascading down my forehead and pooling in my palms.
"Y-yeah, okay... sorry..."
"Oh, whatever - just try to tell the truth this time."
I twirled my thumbs before looking up to meet the attentive eyes of the mature woman.
"I though that if- well, that if I said that I was an omega... then I- then I wouldn't have been accepted into UA..."
My gaze returned to the cold, tiled flooring when I heard her tutting.
"You teenagers..."
My lip quivered.
She continued. "I don't understand why everyone thinks omegas can't be heros or won't get accepted. Honestly!" She sighed and I caught her pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Don't worry. Omegas are allowed to enrol into UA-"
I sat up straight from the edge of the medical bed.
Again, with an eyebrow raised, she resumed her speech. "However, I will have to change your form to state that you are, in fact, an omega. I will also be sure to make your form teacher aware of the situation."
Before I could open my mouth to retaliate, she rambled on. "You will be given pills in which you are to keep on your person at all times - no matter what. And you will be expected to come to me for monthly checkups on any irregulations with your heat. Am I clear?"
"Yes, but-" she sterned her already intimidating stare and I gulped. "...Yes, ma'am..."

Time skip ~

My gaze followed the stone cold floorboards of the neverending labyrinth of corridors. The halls were bare, nobody was in sight, but it wasn't like I would have cared if there was anyway. Clouds blurred in the windows of my peripheral vision but my sight stayed fixated on the still ground beneath my shoes. A light flickered. I didn't notice. My feet dragged along with the occasional swish of h/c strands and wave of s/s (skin shade) skin on the relaxed hands hanging from cold, clothed arms on either side of my torso. My head pounded with each step down that empty corridor.





Light. Too bright; blinding.

Kirishima POV ~

"Yeah, dude! I totally get that!"
I chuckled but then the smile slipped from my face.

My eyes followed a certain h/c with clouded, distant eyes and an aloof expression written across her face. She seemed to be oblivious to everything around her and as someone was accidentally shoved into her by some insolent student, she didn't even flinch. Her head was tilted slightly to one side and she seemed relaxed, completely at a loss of all control over her body and simply glued to that one spot.

An Alpha's Mark - Alpha! Katsuki Bakugou x Omega! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now