Chapter 9. Lies

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Bakugou and I were hushed immediately when All Might gestured to numerous cases packed with our personally custom designed hero costumes.

Oh, this is gonna be fun...

I took my designated case and headed to the changing rooms as instructed. Unlatching and opening the silver case, my fingers fumbled about the packaged material. Everything was there. I pulled the costume from its cage and held it at arms length for a full inspection.


The costume consisted of a black spandex undersuit that travelled up the legs and ended at the neck, beneath the jaw

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The costume consisted of a black spandex undersuit that travelled up the legs and ended at the neck, beneath the jaw. Fingerless gloves, dark grey boots and a top sweater-like layer were also included. The sweater had an X-like light grey band across the front and a pinched middle that sat snuggly just above the waist. Everything was just how I wanted it, fitting perfectly with the colour scheme of my shadow manipulating quirk. Slipping quickly out of my uniform, kicking off the shoes and effortlessly yanking off the tie, I finally proceeded to change into my hero costume.

I had made it out earlier than most except Todoroki, Momo, Izuku, Kirishima, Mineta and... Bakugou. Of course. Kirishima smiled, waving and jogging over as he caught sight of me.
"Hey, Midoriya! What's up?" He paused, studying what I assumed was my costume. "Yo, nice costume!"
"He he yeah, nice costume, Midoriya..." Grape perv made creepy groping gestures with his hands and I looked disgustedly down at him. I sighed, sending Kirishima a pleading look.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it, don't worry." He turned to Mineta, hardening his hand so it became rock solid and slammed it down onto the perverted midget's head. He then attempted to lift it again, only to find that it was... stuck... on Mineta's head... oh god.
I stifled a laugh as Kirishima maniacally waved his arm about in a desperate attempt to pry the dirty minded freakshow from hand.
I burst out laughing as everyone stared at the scene. The majority of the class had slowly filed out of the changing rooms and were now gawking at the scene taking place; me pointing and laughing hysterically whilst Kirishima waved his arms around like a madman with a purple shit stuck on the side of his hand.
"Y/N~! HELP ME!" The sharp-toothed male whined. I laughed harder. "Y/N~!"
I wiped a single tear from my eye, my lungs burning and stomach paining horribly from laughing to such an extent. "Alright, alright... ha ha chill I'm helping, I'm helping!" I made my way over to him, still clutching at my stomach in a fit of giggles. "Stand still already, jeez."
He stopped immediately, as though his system just crashed and he was stuck in place with a blue screen. I casually leant towards his shadow and tapped it lightly, then stood straight again. "Oh, yeah - this might hurt a little..." I closed my eyes, focusing only on Mineta's purple spherical ball attached to Kirishima's palm.

Only the ball... only the ball... only the ball...

I transferred little energy into the disfigurement of the ball, focusing on deforming it into nothing but a mere shadow, cautious not to affect Kirishima's hand or skin in the process. My brows furrowed and I could feel the object reshaping and gradually becoming 2D. Blinking my eyes open, I was met by Kirishima's mouth agape and his hand free from the perverted grape. Mineta was the exact same before he felt for the missing ball on his head and burst out crying screaming about what I had done with it - that is until it regenerated and he fell silent and content yet still pouting. Then, I noticed the several other faces as well. They were all staring - staring at me. I swallowed the building saliva in my throat, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

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