Chapter 12. Think

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I sat with my back against my bedroom door. Kodoku is in there and that sweet scent is driving me fucking insane. I can't take it. It's taking the entirety of my will power to not storm in that room right now and just kiss her - it's breaking every fucking bone in my body to not be in there with her and... hold her... and... comfort her... and... what the fuck am I saying? A painful headache was growing in my head as though it was tearing my skull apart with a blunt knife. I was dizzy, sick to the stomach and craving the taste of y/n on my tongue again. I knew that I couldnt go in that room for as long as she was in there - I couldn't risk being around her in that state; not now at least. Annoyed, I growled under my breath. My head is fucking pounding and my hand raises to silence it but to no effect. In the blurring haze of my vision, I stand slowly before slumping back down against the door, groaning as I hit the carpeted flooring. I ran my fingers frustratingly through my hair, grasping at the ash blonde tufts as though I wanted to rip them from my skull and my head slammed backwards, hitting the door harshly in the process.

Guess standing up's not a fucking option then!

My mind wandered back to Kodoku; how she stared at me with those innocent, vulnerable e/c eyes of hers, the way our lips locked and moved in such fluent collisions, the way she melted against my touch - just everything about her... and then about what we did.

Why the fuck did I even do that? It's as though I had no control over myself... it's just that sweet fucking scent! Goddamnit, Kodoku... what the hell are you doing to me?

Your POV ~

Burning... Something's... burning -  caramel? Spice? It smells so... sweet...

A comforting warmth blanketed my body and a sweet, burning scent slowly filled my lungs. I buried my face into the soft, fuzzy heat encasing my figure.


I felt so... calm and... at peace nestled into that heap of cosy blankets, all of which smelled of his spiced, sugary scent. My eyes fluttered open to the sound of a thud, shuffling feet and then a click. I groaned, burying myself further into the soothing scents and fabric, listening to the silent hum of the room's forgotten whispers and the soft stepping of human feet.

Without my consent, the blankets were torn from the embodiment of sluggish sleep-deprivation; me. I whined as the fuzzy warmth was stolen from me and I scratched at the air. Then, I heard a deep growling emitted from the strangely calming blonde stated at the side of the bed.
"Get up."
"Hm?" I yawned, my arms stretching in the cold, exposed air. I shivered, searching blindly for the covers and attempting to tug them over myself but to no avail. Bakugou gripped them firmly and the slipped from my grasp once again. "Bakugou...?"
He simply stared at me, rolling his eyes and releasing a small 'tsk' before practically dragging me off the bed and onto the floor. I pouted, using the side of the wooden frame to lift myself to a standing position.
"Oi, Kodoku."
"Hm?" I wobbled dizzily around to face him but then he remained silent, uttering not a single word as he sheepishly rubbed his neck. My head tilted slightly to the side and I pondered on what he had wanted to say.

My vision was hazy and unfocused and I stumbled forwards suddenly, tripping on an invisible object as I came tumbling to the ground. Before I made contact, however, I found myself floating... no - wait. Something firm gripped at my waist as I supposeably hovered in the air. My eyes blinked open, wide at the sight I encountered; e/c meeting a violent yet somehow soft red.
"Watch where you're going, idiot." Bakugou had my waist secured in his hold as his aggressively gentle eyes bored into my own. I stared at those scarlet orbs for what seemed like forever before a faint rosey-peach dusted his cheeks - much to my confusion - and his head snapped in the opposite direction as he lifted me to my feet and closer to his chest. When I was standing upright and balanced, he shoved me off him and stomped out of the room.

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