Chapter 17. What it takes

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Now. Hey Just a heads up but um the events r not gonna b in the same order as in the anime because I don't feel like doing the usj rn but I'll do this then the sports festival and then the usj. Maybe. I think. Ok u get the gist. THANK YOU EVERYONE AND SORRY 4 NOT UPDATING IN CENTURIES!!! 😖😣




"Oh, shut the fuck up." Slamming my fist down upon the beeping alarm, I groggily rose from my bed and as though I was some sort of sludge monster I crawled over to the wardrobe. Bakugou had left yesterday afternoon and gave me his number on the way out.


"Eh?" Confused, I traced the electronic sound back to my phone on the beside table. "Damnit."
Reaching up, I grabbed the device and tapped in my password, selecting the notification that popped up as I unlocked my phone.

Explodo bitch:

Wake the fuck up bitch

Ur like a couple minutes late

Explodo bitch:

Shut up

Giggling at his petty replies, I returned to what I was doing. Staring at my reflection for a good fifteen seconds in absolute boredom, I groaned in annoyance and retrieved my uniform. I slid on the surprisingly warm and comfortable material, did my daily routine immediately afterwards and rushed downstairs for breakfast.


Swiftly making my way back up the stairs, I dashed towards Izuku's room.
"Yo, bro bro! Bunny boy! Izubitch! Jalapeno chicken nugget son of a- hi!" A messy mop of green came into sight when the door creeked open and Izuku lazily waddled up to me. Rubbing his eyes with a cute, sleepy yawn, he tiredly mumbled out.
"You always wake me up in the weirdest ways, y/n..."
I smiled. "I know!"
Despite being the older, taller twin, Izuku was always the most scared and childish one of the two of us. It's one of the many things I found adorable about him. Grabbing his hand I pulled him downstairs, yelling that we were actually ten minutes behind skedual already and had no time to spare.

By the time we were out the door and racing against the clock, we were already three minutes late for class.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

We twisted through corridors and shoved past the rare person and a couple doors, panting heavily all the while. I still dragged Izuku behind me and when we had eventually reached the classroom door, I straight up slammed the door open and bolted inside the classroom. Aizawa stared boredly at us and I assumed we had interrupted an important message.
"Midoriya and... Midoriya... you are both fifteen minutes late. No, sixteen now." He began monotoneously. "As you can see, I was in the middle of something. Something you interrupted."
He continued to drone on and on about hero this and tardiness that and that if you're late for a battle then nobody is going to wait for you, bla, bla, bla... trip.

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