Chapter 2. Permanent pain

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Several years had passed since y/n had met Katsuki and neither were too fond of each other. In fact, whenever the Midoriya's weekly visit to the Bakugou household would come up, y/n would mentally brace herself and she would become extremely anxious when close to the rambunctious male. Thankfully, y/n was still told she wasn't to attend public school, despite her maturer age of eleven and relatively strong control over her so called 'untamable' quirk, so as a result she didn't have to see the blonde all too often.

Today however, Inko and Mitsuki had agreed on having the children bond by a trip to park. As y/n hardly got out of her room, let alone the house, she was particularly anxious about the outing. Her mind wouldn't cease to explode with thoughts and very soon she was having an internal panic attack. Observing his sister's struggles with knowing eyes, Izuku pulled y/n towards himself and held her close in his embrace. Being slightly shorter than her older twin, y/n snuggled her face into his colourfully printed All Might tee, hiding herself from the outside world and all its problems. The freckled boy patted her head as she seeked comfort in his hold.

Inko noticed the duo's situation in front of the door to their home and sighed. Izuku let go of his sister despite her pry to stay enclosed in his arms. Mrs Midoriya then took y/n and Izuku outside the house, clasping both their hands, her grip on y/n being particularly tight as to ease her stress. Y/n had felt the secure grasp and breathed a sigh she wasn't aware she had been holding.

As they exited the small home, Inko locked the door, momentarily dropping y/n's hand before clutching it again and they made their way down the cemented pavement.

Time skip ~

Upon approaching the park, Izuku let go of his mother's hand and rushed to the slide. The Bakugous had yet to arrive and y/n joined her brother timidly. Inko smiled fondly at the twins, a loving smile stretching across her face at the sight of the two bonding. Then, a sudden weight on her shoulder jolted her from her thoughts and she visably jumped in her skin.
"Oh shit! Sorry Inko, I didn't scare you did I?" Mitsuki proclaimed from beside her.
"Oh no, don't worry you didn't. I'm fine."
Mitsuki smiled.
"Where's Masaru?"
"He had to run some errands - you know, the usual."
"You're forcing him to go to that conference meeting aren't you?"
The rough blonde paled.
"Thought so." Stated Mrs Midoriya.
Mitsuki rolled her eyes. "You know me too fucking well for your own good."

A snarl sounded beneath them and violent red eyes stared off into the distance with an agrovated expression. Mitsuki chuckled. "Oh yeah! Almost forgot about you there, kid!"
She then let go of her bone crushing grip on his wrist, as he had previously refused to hold her hand when crossing the street, and he was free. The boy then sprinted off to the swings where Izuku was pushing y/n gently.

The two parents chatted happily, sitting down upon a nearby bench and discussing normal parental subjects when a particular topic came about.
"Come to think of it... Why does y/n not attend a public school? I'm just asking 'cause Izuku does and he seems fine enough to me." Mitsuki asked.
"Ah. Y/n is um... she's very- uh... she isn't really... she just isn't like other kids." Inko started.
"What? Is she quirkless like Izuku? I don't see how that would be a problem considering-"
"No. That's not it. She- well she's already- um you see she has her quirk and-"
"Shush! Yes. Yes she does." Inko sighed. "But- but it isn't such a good thing. She can't control it and well... Being around other kids without quirks whilst she can't fully control it... it could be dangerous..."
Mitsuki put two and two together. "So you decided to home school her in hopes of nothing happening."
"So... when did she first develop it?"
"From birth."
Mitsuki sat astonished at her friend's words. Birth? That was near impossible! Nobody known to man had developed a quirk from birth.
"How did you know?"
"Well, I didn't at first... I-I had Izuku in a twin stroller and... you see I was holding y/n when- when a dog came and it scared her. She started crying and then... something happened and- and I can't explain it her shadow just changed."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean- I'm not sure. It- well it just changed. It looked like y/n but then it took form of a wolf or a dog or something- I don't know! It just... it was strange and I was scared and then the dog that scared her turned black and it became really dark and scary before it became like 2D or something!"
"The dog... turned... 2D?"
"Yes! It- it became a shadow or something! It was a dog one second and- and a shadow the next!"
"That's... that's insane... how did- when- why-"
"I don't know... The doctors said it had something to do with Izuku not having a quirk. It would make sense - you know with how he's quirkless and she develops hers extremely early."
Mitsuki nodded her head slowly, soaking in the new information. "Ok... yeah, that makes sense I guess."
"I-I got the results back..."
Mitsuki's eyes shone at that comment. "Really?! Well, what'd they say!?"
Inko gulped, chuckling nervously. "One beta, one omega..."
"Wait... don't tell me..."
"Yup. Y/n's the omega."

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