Chapter 11. Locked in

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We arrived outside his house after a long walk of comfortable silence. He looked so content and at peace whilst we just walked. He, of course, was in front leading the way whilst I trailed slightly behind. The usual scowl had dissipated from his face and was instead replaced with one of such tranquillity that he looked almost harmless and... soft. It warmed my heart to see him in such a way and I found myself smiling as we approached the front door.

I was about to knock, lifting my hand to the dark oak when I visibly jumped in my skin.
"OI, HAG! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Bakugou yelled.
"Jesus Christ..." I retracted my hand and instead let it fall by my side, mumbling the quiet words to myself. As if on cue, the door swung open with such a force I was almost scared it would tear off its hinges.
"THE HELL D'YOU WANT, YOU LITTLE BRAT?! AND DON'T CALL ME A HAG, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Mitsuki, the raging blonde's all-too-similar mother, was bellowing in the entrance way.
"YOU LITTLE- oh. Right, of course. Hello, y/n dear." She turned to me, ruffling my hair as she gestured for us to enter the boisterous abode. Immediately, Bakugou stormed past her and up the stairs to where I assumed his room was. I then heard the loud boom of a door slamming shut and concluded that he had, in fact, done as I had suspected.

Mitsuki shook her head, mumbling various profanities under her breath as she led me into the lounge. Both my brother and parent were sat on the sofa, conversing humbly with Masaru who was seated on an arm chair beside the fireplace and to the left of the larger furniture. Turning their attention to my silent figure in the doorway, I was greeted by Masaru and then by my mother.
"Hello, y/n. I am so glad you could join us. I hope my son wasn't too much trouble for you on the way over."
"Yes, he didn't do anything - did he, sweetie?"
"No, he didn't do anything, mom - I swear. If anything he seemed kinda... happy? I don't really know..." I answered sheepishly. The two adults stared strangely at one another; even Izuku looked shocked. "...what?"
Mitsuki was the only one who didn't have either confusion or despair slapped across her face. She, however, had something much more frightful. Painted as her expression was a cheshire-like grin.

Oh god...

"So... that bastard son of mine was happy, huh?" Her menacing smirk grew impossibly further against her lips and her volcanic red eyes snapped in my direction. She chuckled villainously.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this...

I trembled slightly, suddenly glued to the spot.
"OH, KATSUKI~!" She called.

Oh no.

Aggressive stomping was heard as the  rambunctious male stormed down the stairs. Upon noticing her overly joyous expression, he growled. "What d'you want, hag?"
"Well. Inko - my dearest, most trusted friend?" Mom stared suspiciously at her blunt friend. "What would you think of y/n having a sleepover tonight?"
"WHAT?!" Katsuki and I synronised, staring at the woman like she had two heads. Mom froze, shocked too much as to fully comprehend what the woman had said. "I'm sorry?" She finally spoke.
"You heard me. A sleepover. Y/n at our place. Tonight."
Mom looked as though she had nearly choked on her own spit. "T-tonight? B-but sh-she- y/n doesn't even have any clothing, o-or toiletries, or- or-"
"Nah! Don't worry, Inks! I got it all under control! I'll make sure she goes to bed on time, that she's fully comfortable, and she can always just borrow mine or Katsuki's stuff to sleep in! Besides~ she already has her uniform on so that's sorted-"
"Jeez, chill out! She's safe with me - you know that!"
Mom stared decidingly at her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Eventually, she came to a desicion. "...Alright."
Mitsuki grinned deviously. "Perfect!"

Time skip ~

I stared awkwardly across the table as Bakugou animalistically shoved spoonfuls of soup into his mouth. He caught my eye and I instinctively tore my gaze from his vicious figure.
"Y/n, dear?" Mom called. I snapped my head in her direction.
"Uh y-yes?"
She gave me this look that spoke silent words. I knew what it meant instantly, nodding my head timidly. Everyone was relatively quiet at the table for once and the time only dragged on an on throughout the dinner. When it finally finished, mom and Izuku had already gotten ready for their departure, now stationed in the kitchen alongside Masaru.
"OK!" Mitsuki yelled suddenly, rising swiftly from her seat. "Y/n why don't you say goodbye to your mom and Izuku and then leave everything else to me, okay?" I simply nodded my head. "Perfect!"
She made her way around the table, smacking the back of Bakugou's head as she passed him.
"YOU FUCKING-!" He screeched a declaration of war as she hit him again, then sped off into the kitchen to due her goodbyes to mom and Izuku.

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