Chapter one

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Percy looked up at the clock on the wall. He sighed when he realized he'd been working on his homework for an hour, and still had only managed to get one question done. Hey, it wasn't his fault he was dyslexic and had severe ADHD. He pushed himself up, stretched, then walked down the stairs.

"Mom!" Percy called as he walked through the living room. "Mom?" He asked as he stepped into the kitchen. He frowned as he looked around the empty room, then started to walk out. He tripped and fell on the counter, then slipped in some water as he tried to stand back up. He crashed to the ground and groaned, then watched as a small note drifted down and landed in front of him. He sat up and grabbed the note. He squinted his eyes so he could read the small print. "I... Went to the.... Store... Be back in... A few hours..." He groaned, then pushed himself up and tossed the note in the trash. He sighed and limped to the fridge, his hip now bruised and his thigh aching. He opened the door and reached for where the milk was, but stopped when I saw it wasn't there. Instead, there was a note in it's place. I groaned and picked it up, then read it. "Sorry... I set the milk... Outside for the..." He stopped and blinked at the paper. "Cat." He finished, then shut the door slowly. They had a cat? He half jogged half limped to the door, then stepped outside.

Percy looked down at the bowl of milk, then saw a note taped to it. He groaned and tore it off the bowl. "Want cookies." Percy read, then looked up at the sky, his face masked with confusion. "What the Hell..." He muttered, then walked back inside. He looked down at the sloppy handwriting. He sighed. So, there wasn't a cat, just some homeless kid who happened to take the milk. Great. He walked into the kitchen a grabbed a tub of cookies off the fridge, then walked outside.

Percy sat down on one of the porch chairs, then took a bite of his cookie. He stopped chewing when he heard the sound of a branch break, then sat up slowly. He saw a face peer out of the bushes, then freeze in terror when she saw Percy. Yes, Percy was calling it a she. The face just looked very feminine. It was small, baby like almost. The eyes were rounded and outlined with black, though they looked almost like cat eyes. The pupils were also cat like, looking pointy to Percy. "Hey." Percy cooed and the kid tilted his head, making Percy's heart melt. "Come here. I got you something." Percy coaxed the kid into crawling out of the bushes.

What Percy saw ripped his heart into pieces. The kid wore baggy, tattered clothing. She- Percy was still standing strong on that one- was gaunt. Her bones poked through her skin, making Percy want to vomit. Her hair was cut short, though not too short, almost shoulder length, and it was tangled and matted, twigs and leafs stuck in it like a nest. The only clean thing about her was a beanie that clung to her head, for all Percy knew it was stuck to her hair. It was dark brown, matching her eyes, the only other bright thing about her.

She reached her hand out cautiously, then grabbed the cookie. She stared at me, waiting to see my reaction. A smile tugged at her lips and she nibbled on it, then stuffed it into her mouth. She chewed happily, her eyes shut. She swallowed and opened her eyes, staring at Percy. She saw the other cookie in his hands and her eyes widened, like, her pupils actually widened. Like a cats. Percy, of course, didn't pay any attention, he just stared at her. "You want this one?" She nodded, her mouth open into a little circle and her pupils still blown up. Percy handed it to her and she scarfed it down, then looked at him again. "Sorry, I don't have any more." He showed her his hands, just to let her see he wasn't lieing. She looked disappointed, but only for a second.

She put a hand on his knee and pushed herself up, her face close to Percy's. Percy stared at her, a thousand questions suddenly racing through his mind. What if she kisses me? Oh god, what if she has rabies? What if she has lepracy?! She leaned forward and rubbed against his chest, then jumped back onto her feet. "So... Do you want to come inside?" She nodded, then shook her head and pointed down the alley. "Want to show me something?" She nodded and pulled him down the alley.

She stopped at a cardboard box, pushing her hand against the object inside it. It was another kid, but a boy. He looked like a Latinos Santa elf. His ears were pointed and his face had a sloppy smile on it. "Can you get up?" The boy looked over at the girl, saw her nod, then stood up. "What do you want?" The boy asked, taking Percy by surprise. "Oh... I was just offering this one a bath and a warm place to sleep. Some dinner maybe." The boy looked tempted, but looked down at the girl. She was shivering and Percy frowned. "Did I saw something?" "She doesn't like water... I'll talk to her." The boy said and Percy nodded, then lead them to the house.

A/N: Anyone have any ideas who the kids are?

Percico AU (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now