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So, I messed up a little on the chapter order. I got so excited that Kate is reading this that I missed out Chapter 5, and went straight to posting Chapter 6. If you missed Chapter 5, it is now up!

I work in a school and the new term started yesterday, so I'm juggling work and editing at the moment. Plus, I've had an idea to create a sort of playlist to go alongside the book- a song for each chapter- but my taste in music is eclectic (or 'weird' as my sister likes to call it!). I'm going through the thousands of songs on my iPod to find some that fit, but if you have any suggestions on some tracks after you read the chapters, let me know! I love music, and I love hearing bands/artists that I haven't already heard.

Once I've decided on the tracks, I'll post the list at the start/end of a chapter so you can listen/catch up (if you want to!) Thanks, Sarah xx

P.S- we're back to Jordan! (I always had Jeremy Irvine in mind when I though about Jordan- I think it has to do with that smile/smirk thing he does in some photos! Kinda swoon worthy.)



I can’t believe I fell asleep on Emma.

                By the time I woke up on Wednesday morning she had gone and I hadn’t seen her properly all that day so that I could apologize. We’d had most of our classes together but by the time our free study period had come around she had left school for some sort of appointment. I wondered if I might see her through our windows that night, but I didn’t. I’d seen her walk in and close her curtains shutting me out, and for most of Thursday it had been the same.

When I eventually caught up with her it was right before Thursday night’s hockey practice and her dad was hanging around. He’d been watching me with some caution since yesterday morning and I knew I wouldn’t leave today’s practice without having a lecture from him as both my coach and her father.

Sam and Adam had been filling me in on their Peer Class partners and I had to stifle a laugh when I heard who Adam had been paired with. Carrie Seltzer was a straight A student who lived like a hermit, only coming out of her house for school and whatever science fair she’d been entered in. She was very pretty in a girly, unassuming way and because of her reputation for knocking back guys she was the most desirable girls in our class year. And she was the only girl to have ever said ‘no’ to Adam.

Sam had gotten Zoe Carr for his partner, the same Zoe that was friends with Emma, and the same Zoe who was friends with his long time crush. I joked that he was lucky having one of Holly’s friends as his Peer Class partner especially because he was such a nice guy that Zoe couldn’t complain about him. I even offered to do a double study night with him and Zoe and me and Emma. He smiled politely at the suggestion, but I don’t think he really wants Zoe to see my bad influence on him.

“Ok,” Coach shouted as the team got on the ice. “There’s a big game coming up and I don’t want any distractions so keep your focus on me and not on my daughter over there, Ben Marsden.”

Everyone turned to see Ben redden and avert his eyes from Emma. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous and possessive and wanted to kick his butt for checking her out. It was an overwhelming feeling that I couldn’t understand, but I just knew I hated the thought of him staring at her. Only I was allowed to do that.

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