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I was just editing a little more of Heartbeat when I decided to see how long ago I wrote it. I knew it was AGES ago, but I was still a little shocked to see when exactly it was- Chapter one was way back on 14th January 2013. This chapter was written on January 21st 2013!! Scary how time flies!

Anyways... How would you feel about a sequel/spin off? I've already written about half of it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep going. The main characters will be Adam Langer (Jordan's friend) and Zoe Carr (Emma's friend). I had planned to write three stories in total with Sam & Holly being central in the third. I know you haven't seen much of these characters yet, so you might not like the idea, but early thoughts, please?

For Kate and @DaniellaNegri2 for your comments and votes!



I knew Emma was keeping something from me, and I knew her father was in on it. I’d seen the way she looked at him each time she answered a question, and I also saw how he watched her as if she were about to fall apart in front of me. Whatever they were hiding, Emma had promised she’d tell me eventually, but now I was beginning to think that whatever it was, I’d rather not know about it.

Emma’s mother popped her head into the kitchen briefly before she flew out the door, and I could sense that something wasn’t right. Dr. Lane made no attempt to make an effort with her husband or with Emma, and it was as if that’s what they expected her to be like. Dr. Lane left quickly and soon it was decided that our research had bottomed out for tonight.

As Emma walked me to the door, the only time we’d really been alone together all night, I asked her if she wanted to hang out again tomorrow. She looked slightly horrified until I told her that Jessie would be with us all day if she still wanted to play that game. She relented finally, and I made a mental note to stop by tomorrow morning before taking Jessie to her swim meet.

That night I couldn’t stop thinking about Emma and how strained everything is between us now. Lunch time at school had been the worst for me. Sitting so close to her but feeling so distant was gut wrenching, and all I could think of was slipping my hand under the table to hold hers. It was a strange feeling and I wasn’t sure if I was a hundred per cent comfortable with it, but what my head told me and what my heart wanted were two conflicting things.

And then tonight with her father was strange. He watched me like a hawk and followed my every movement and always held his breath when I asked a question. I couldn’t think why he’d be like this. I mean, he was the one who told me to sneak through the window and make her understand. That’s what I’d done, but he still didn’t trust me.

I wondered if Emma and I would have any moments alone together tomorrow. Jessie was swimming in four races tomorrow morning and when she wasn’t competing she had to sit with the rest of her team, so Emma and I should be alone up in the stands. That’s if she didn’t freak out at some point and run from me like I knew she was dying to every time we were within touching distance of each other.

I lay in the dark, staring at the light that flooded into my room from Emma’s. I wondered what she was doing and if she was thinking about me the way I was thinking about her. Would it be creepy if I jumped out of bed to watch her? Of course it would be, I know that. But I just can’t help myself when it comes to her.

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