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I survived the first week back at work! Now it's time for the weekend... which means editing this, finding time to scribble out a new story that's been bugging me for weeks, posting chapters for You Have ONE New Message, catching up with my best friend, and lots and lots of sleep!!

Plus, I've been thinking more about songs for Heartbeat. The one I keep coming back to is 'Just Can't Get Enough' by Depeche Mode (so 80s!). Heartbeat was originally called 'Just Can't Get Enough' but then I changed it just before I started posting.

Oh, yeah- Kate, this one is for you. As always. Sarah :)



She spun around and as I got a glimpse of those hazel eyes I loved so much, my stomach flipped.

I thought I’d seen her walk in with Holly, but I couldn’t be sure. Emma Lane has never been to one of the after-game parties before, so I had to blink twice just to make sure it was her. She was here, alright, and I couldn’t help but smile as she stood before me.

“Hi,” I croaked before clearing my throat nervously. “What are you doing here?”

“Sam invited us,” she points to Holly who has wandered outside on her own.

A new song began to play and the beat of the music was starting to give me a headache. I moved my hand from her wrist and intertwined our fingers as I led her out to the terrace, the lake in front of us.

As soon as we were outside, she pulled her hand from mine and nursed it as if I’d burnt her. A part of me died knowing that she didn’t want me to touch her, but I couldn’t understand why I was so disappointed. I stared at her for a long moment trying to find answers in her face, anything that could tell me why she had pulled away from me. But there was nothing there; her eyes were sad and emotionless, and it damned well nearly broke my heart.

“Are you drunk?” She asked.

I shook my head. “No. Why?”

“You’re staring at me,” she mumbles, her eyes turning away from mine.

“I always stare at you,” I tell her truthfully.

She shrugs and moves away from me, heading towards the lake, stopping as she sees the vast water in front of us. I move towards her and nudge her shoulders playfully, but I can tell she’s holding back for some reason. I hold my hand out for her to take, but her eyes are fixed on the lake.

Her eyes eventually flicker to mine, before she looks back to the terrace hesitantly. I follow her line of sight to Sam and Holly talking. They stand only a few inches from each other, whispering so that no-one can hear what they’re saying, but I can see Sam’s hand grazing Holly’s hip as they both drink from their bottles.

“Sam’s a good guy,” I tell Emma honestly. “Holly will be fine with him so don’t worry, and I’m sure Zoe knows how to handle herself.” I point to Zoe dancing manically to the music in the living room as she swats away the advances of a few guys. “Come on, I think we’ve got some more research to do.”

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