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|Tagged: whydontwemusic imzachherron|

Seaveydaniel: I ain't worryin bout anyone but myself these days💁💁who else excited for this tour

Swervinforseavey: I sure as hell am!? I can't wait to see you guys again!?

Sydnieavery: Damn you're fire😍😍

Wdwaverystyle: Wait hold up!? @sydnieavery and @seaveydaniel explain!?

Jonahmarias: @jackaverymusic what's going on here??

Jackaverymusic: @sydnieavery tf you mean?? Message me now

Sydnieavery: Chill bub I'll explain everything later @jackaverymusic

Exclusivelycece: 👀👀

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Jack's *POV*

I kept running through memories that have happened these last few weeks and tears were building up but I blinked them away. I don't wanna cry because I don't want any questions to be asked. Before I knew it i was snapped outta my thoughts as there was a knock on my door. I got off the couch and answered. I saw Sydnie standing there holding Daniel's hand.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked with anger lacing every word clearly.

"Jack, Daniel is my boyfriend...we've been talking since the whole comment incident on Cecilia's post." She said looking from me to Daniel with a small smile.

"I set rules and you agreed to them...you know what's hurts worse than someone close lying to you? Someone close betraying you..." I said clenching my fists before shaking my head and walking towards my room. Daniel and Sydnie kept calling my name but I ignored them. I wasn't in the right state of mind to talk to them. I haven't been in the right state of mind since I saw Lily and her ex kiss right in front of me. Soon I got to my room, slamming the door behind me as I walked in. I lost control of my anger and started to punch my closet door.

Cecilia's *POV*

As I did my homework I was getting an incoming face time request. I didn't look at the name I just clicked answer and finished my math homework but started on my english essay.

"Hey Celia it's been a while." A familiar voice sounded causing anger to wash over me.

"What do you want Noah?" I asked closing my Mac book to look at him.

"I want another chance...I want to make things right. " He said slurring his words.

"Dude you're just saying this shit cause you're drunk and looking for attention." I said rubbing the headache away from the area behind my eyes.

"No I'm being serious Cecilia Amber." He slurred again taking a big ass drink from the bottle in his hand.

"If you want attention call that whore you cheated with while we were together." I said holding back the tears threatening to spill. Soon I couldn't hold em back anymore.

"Baby girl please..." He begged.

"You fucking hurt me Noah!? What don't you understand!? You shattered my fucking heart!!" I yelled crying harder than before. He didn't say anything so I hung up and started to cry harder. Soon another FaceTime request sounded and I answered after seeing that it was Jonah.

"Hey Jonah." I said hiding my face and disguising my voice to hide any proof that I had been crying.

"Hey Celie." He said sounding happy that I had answered.

"I'm sorry about the way Daniel has been acting towards you. I found out why he's been like this..." He said adding onto his greeting.

"It's cool but why?" I asked uncovering my face as I laid down on my bed.

"He's dating Jack's sister..." He said softly. For some reason that news had broken my heart.

"Oh...how'd Jack react to that?" I asked hiding the fact that I was wanting to cry again.

"Like this.." Jack said as he took Jonah's phone to show me his hand.

"Jack you need to ice that!?" I said quickly.

"Yeah I know and I have been. Hey I'mma just facetime on my phone so Jonah can have his. I really need to talk to you about something." He said before handing Jonah his phone back letting him say a quick goodbye before hanging up and like Jack said he was now calling me.

"Are Lily and Reyna back together?" He asked with a little bit of tears streaming down his face.

"Not that I know of...why?" I ask softly.

"I saw them kiss the other day and I've been broken since then..." He said as more tears spilled down his face. Thinking back to the news of Daniel and Sydnie and the Noah I was crying as well.

"D-damn...I'm sorry Jack that was a bullshit move and I hope you find a way to talk things out with Lily.." I said trying to stop crying.

"Celia what's wrong?" He asks softly as he just noticed me crying. I explained everything and he sighed.

"Damn we're both going through some tough shit. I wish I could be there to hug you. I gotta get some sleep because we gotta be on an early flight to the first tour spot. I'll keep in contact. Sleep well Cece good night." He said yawning a bit. I nodded and said my goodbyes before he hung up. I put my phone on the charger and then passed out after getting comfortable in my bed.

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