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You were upset it was clear you were upset the reason being that your boyfriend of 3 to 4 years broke up with you and went with the girl he told you not to worry about. So you were taking a walk through the park to try and take it your mind off it. You were sniffling and tearing up looking down at your feet when you heard children laughing ahead. You looked up and saw children playing with a man around your age which was 21 maybe he was a year or two older. He was chasing them and trying to catch them as they would slip through his fingers they would laugh loudly and he was smiling real big. You were staring at them all and smiled slightly as you watched them you saw them coming straight for you in fact you didn't have time to move but the kid did. Which caused the man to collide right into you knocking both of you over. He tried to catch you both but it ended with you on your back the air knocked out of you and then man laying on your chest.

"Um... Sir?" You said once you got the air back into your lungs. He looked up at you and blinked his baby blue eyes before noticing he was on you and quickly got off of you and offered a hand to help you up which you took and pulled you up and steadied you on your feet. You took a good look at him and saw he had a small bit of shaggy blond hair with black streaks in his bangs, he wore yellow jacket with black stripes down the sleeves and black pockets, and he wore a tight black shirt and black skinny jeans with yellow boots. It was a quick look but when you saw his face he held a look of concern and he started doing sign language you understood 'Are' and 'You' but nothing else you didn't know much sign language.

"I'm sorry I don't know much sign language" you gave a small smile. He looked to be thinking before he pulled out his phone and started typing something before giving it to you.

'I'm sorry for running into you. Are you okay? By the way my name is Bumblebee what's yours?' you read and handed it back to him before speaking.

"It's okay, I'm fine just a little winded. Bumblebee is a cute name and my name is (y/n) (l/n). Sorry to ask but are you mute?" you said looking at him sadly. He smiled sadly and nodded his head it was then that he gave you a worried look you guessed he saw your puffy red eyes and tear stained face. He started typing on his phone when two ding sounded out. You both looked at your phones.

'(Y/n) dinners ready come on home' your mom texted; you quickly replied back and looked up at him and he seemed upset because he couldn't ask you what he wanted to ask.

"I gotta go Bumblebee I hope to see you around!" You smiled sadly as he signed 'bye' and watched you walk away sadly.

Human Bumblebee x Reader Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now