He Find Out About Your Mental Illness

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"(Y/n)!" Your mother yelled from down the hall. You crawled out of bed sluggishly not having any energy at all one the side effects of Bipolar 1 disorder you also had Schizophrenia. As explained by your doctor you had many of the symptoms the main one being that you heard abusive/aggressive voices that made you abuse yourself but you never abused others but you have gotten close.

"Ye-*yawn*-ah?" you yawned out looking at her your eyes drooping slightly.

"You'll have to reschedule your appointment today I have to work late." She said quickly getting ready for work her saying that woke you up.

"But I'm out of medicine! I need to go see my doctor" You said getting anxious you'd finally gotten the right dosage of your medicine for schizophrenia but you were going to get a lower dosage on your Bipolar medicine. Mostly because it made you have extreme nausea and couldn't handle it.

"Maybe ask if Bumblebee can take you" Your mom said. "Bye honey, see you tonight!" And then she was gone.

You started to panic cause you didn't want Bee to know and you also didn't know how he'd react. To say you were nervous was an understatement, no you were panicking but you took a few deep breaths and exhaled to calm yourself down and started to debate if you should call him or text him.

Deciding to text you shakily typed out your question but deleted it and rewrote it a few times before finally sending it.

'Hey Bee can you take me to the doctor today at 2:30?'

You waited for a reply it was only a minute later when your phone vibrated and dinged.

'Of course! Are you okay???' he asked.

'Yeah just need to go for my three month check in is all' you replied

'Three months?' he asked

'I guess you'll see why when we get there... I'm not comfortable telling you over phone' you explained.

'I'm not going to pressure you okay? I'm going to let you tell me when you're ready... I'll see you soon. I love you'

'I love you too Bee'

It was already 12 something in the afternoon since your mom comes home to bring you lunch. So you decided to take a shower and actually wash your hair since it's been a few weeks. It almost got to the point of having so many knots that you didn't dare brush it. After massaging and conditioning your hair you blow dried it and got dressed when you walked out you looked at your phone saw it was 1:50. Heading towards the living room you saw Bumblebee sitting on the couch waiting patiently.

"Hey..." You mumbled since you had a depression spell from the ideas that you couldn't finish or accomplish and you would sleep all day and hardly talk to or answer Bee.

"Love... I've missed you... you barely talk to me... Did I do something wrong?" He spoke in that husky voice that wasn't use to talking. You shook your head a tiny smile on your face to reassure him that he'd done nothing wrong.

"No, I've just been tired is all..." you said. He looked concerned but didn't ask but asked for the address of your doctor's office, you told him where you had therapy and the doctor who prescribes you medicine is. He looked confused as if he has never known of that doctor's office.

On the way there you stared out the window so you never noticed Bee glancing at you. Bee read the sign out front as he pulled in '(Town name) Mental Health Center' and he was confused.

"I'll be out in 30 minutes... if you want you can wait in the waiting room with me until I go back." You spoke avoiding eye contact. He went in with you but when you went back he got up to call Ratchet and ask him about the office. He walked back in 3 to 5 minutes before you came back out feeling worried about you and had some questions.

When you came back you smiled at him and he smiled happy to see you smile today. He waited for you both to get back in the car before he turned to you.

"Is everything... okay? What were you... here for?" he asked slowly almost cautiously. You sighed because you knew you'd have to tell him; you had discussed it with your doctor she said just to breathe that he'd understand even though she's not your therapist she still gives good advice.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just out of medicine and had to get prescribed more... I'm here because I have Bipolar 1 disorder and schizophrenia..." you mumbled the last part wanting to cry. He grabbed your hand rubbed his thumb over it while using his other hand to lift your chin to look at him. He kissed our forehead then you lips before speaking.

"There's nothing wrong with that... I'll love you the same either way my Wonderwoman" he smiled.

"Now let's go pick up your medicine!"


Hey everyone just taking a moment to let you know the mental illnesses mentioned in this story is based off of me so I did base the reader off of me in this one yes I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Bipolar 1 disorder and depression when I was 17 in 11th grade. I was sent away because I use to abuse myself and sometimes my ex boyfriend but that not the reason he left me. The meeting chapter is based off the reason he left me along with him feeling bad for cheating on me a  year earlier but were still the best of friends. But that off topic don't be like me I know its hard living with these illnesses but please seek help because it does get better and people do care even if it doesn't. And if you need to I'm here if you need someone to talk too I know what it feels like to self-harm and suffer.

I love you all!!!

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