First Date/First Kiss

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A few days after Bumblebee meeting your family you weren't really thinking of anything but were focusing on your school work you were doing an essay for your profiling class. You were almost finished revising it to be turned in when you got a text message; you unplugged your phone from its charger and saw that you had a text from Bumblebee saying to come outside and that he had a surprise for you. Saving your essay you put your laptop on its charger then put some shoes on and grabbed your keys before going outside to see Bumblebee parked in your drive way leaning against his car waiting for you. You locked your door and went up and greeted him to which he pulled you into his arms as his greeting and as he pulled away he gestured to his car and for you to get in.

"Where are we going?" you asked getting in and buckling up; he turned to you and signed 'You'll see' with a smile on his face as he drove out of the drive way and down the road. He turned on the radio and started dancing around in his seat as he drove he glanced over at you and smiled which caused you to smile back and start to dance along to the song as well.

He drove for about 35 minutes but it seemed shorter because of us dancing and playing around the whole time. By the time he parked and you got the chance to look around you noticed you were near a trail and dirt road on the out skirts of the county. You were confused and were kind of alarmed you were wondering if he brought you out here to harm you. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to do that and you've known him a quarter of the year. He opened your door and offered you his hand to which you took with caution you felt unsure even after he smiled at you. He led you down the trail to a clearing, a meadow of sorts and on the edge of the meadow was a yellow blanket and as you sat down you noticed a basket in his hand. You distressed a little bit and a small sigh escaped from your lips which had Bee giving you a concerned look.

"Nothing" you reassured him with a smile. He was confused but shrugged and started to pull out your favorite sandwich and his, along with fruits, chips, chocolates, and fruit juices to drink. To say you were surprised was an understatement you were confused and amazed. Was this what you thought it was?

"What is all this?" You asked looking at everything amazed.

'I thought it was about time I took you on a proper date. Just us' He signed before grabbing your hands and lightly kissing your knuckles before gesturing for you to eat. You two were enjoying the food and your time with each other with Bee signing jokes and you laughing at them even though they were cheesy and bad. It was starting to get close to twilight out so Bee out the stuff away and rolled up the blanket before walking back to his car while holding your hand tightly. He put everything in the trunk and turned on the car so the radio played and headlights turned on but not the engine. He grabbed you and brought you to the front of the car; putting up his finger before walking back to the car and hooking up the blu-tooth radio to his phone and started to play 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran. You started to get teary eyed as he came back and offered you his hand; you took it and he started to slow dance with you to the song. As you two danced he wrapped his arms around you waist so you wrapped yours around his neck while laying your head on his chest. You two danced with the song on repeat until you felt him lift your chin up to get you to look up at him. You stared into his baby blue eyes; he started to lean in while staring at your lips. As your lips connected you felt fireworks in your stomach and a spark in your heart you'd never felt this before when you kissed someone. You kissed back pulling him closer to you and he pulled you closer to him as well.

When he pulled away you looked at him while touching your lips.

"Wow.." You said softly and Bumblebee had a goofy smile on his face.

'Magical' was all he could say or sign before he noticed it was dark now.

'Ready to go home?' he asked. You did a so-so motion so he silently laughed before motioning for you to get in and took you back home. You couldn't wait to get home and tell your sister and mother about your date with Bee.

Human Bumblebee x Reader Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now