He Meets Your Parents

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You had been dating Bumblebee for about two weeks you two hung out almost every day. You told him you wanted him to meet you mom and stepdad and since your younger sister was home from her first year of college you wanted him to meet your family to which he agreed too. He then proceeded to ask if you went to college to which you nodded and told him you and your sister were going to school off your biological father's Veterans educational benefits and that you were going to college to become a Forensic (Subject) and your were in your third year and that you only have one year left. He then asked if you walked to school or what but you told him you did it online.

So here you were your family was home two in the living room and one in the kitchen while Bumblebee stood outside. You called out to everyone in the house to get their attention to which they all came around and looked at you.

"Okay everyone I have I'd like you to meet!" You called out which had them wondering.

"(Y/n)? Who is it? What are they to you?" They questioned but you just held up a finger and walked towards the door. You opened the door and motioned for Bumblebee to come inside as you stepped out of the way for them to get a good look at him. Your younger sister seemed impressed as you mom and stepdad went into protective mode.

"Who are you? What are you to my daughter?" Your mother questioned getting in his face. Bee instantly started to freak out and looked at you to help him out.

"Mom get out of his face. His name is Bumblebee and he's my boyfriend since two week ago" you spoke calmly.

"Why can't he answer for himself?" You mom said backing up and looking him over. Bee instantly started to sign that he was a mute and how it happened but your mom was staring at him confused.

"Bumblebee says he's a mute. He's been like that since he got in an accident and it messed up his vocal cords" You said explaining.

"Do you treat (y/n) right?" (Sister's name) asked Bumblebee nodded his head furiously which amused your sister as she had a smirk on her face.

"Well Bumblebee come on in I'm preparing supper and would like you to join us" Your mother said happy now. You gestured for the remaining people to go into the living room since your mother went into the kitchen.

"So do you work Bumblebee? That's a strange name" (Stepdad's Name) spoke. Bumblebee only gave a smile and signed 'I can't say much about my job only that I work with the Police' So you relayed it to (Stepdad's name). Your sister and stepdad proceeded to ask questions about Bumblebee which is his age, Can he drive, What does he drive, How long have you known each other, How did you meet each other. They just kept the question coming with Bee signing the answers and you relaying them until your mother called you into the dining room to eat. As they left you turned to Bumblebee and pulled him aside real quick to question him.

"How do you feel about my family so far?" You questioned he smiled at you and kissed the top of your head.

'They seem nice and they enjoy having me here' he answered. You smiled and hugged him before pulling him towards the dining room to eat.

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