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I always dreamed of Pandora, eventually going there and learning more and more about the Na'vi and their culture; I knew it wasn't an option for me. I was too valuable on the battlefield because of my skills, being an Airborne soldier and all. Then the accident happened: I was on a routine mission, take out the target, and leave no evidence. We thought we'd taken out all the guards; we were wrong. One came up from behind me and I felt a sharp pressure in the back of my head, when I woke up later on in the base hospital, I couldn't see much except vague outlines of the people around me. I was forced into retirement and set back home with to much but a thank you and some kind of guide to help me get used to my practical blindness. The guide wasn't much help, so I learned everything on my own. I didn't care to read braille; I made myself learn how to navigate and I started just running my hand over most things in offices and buildings to find out what letters were what. I started a routine, something to keep me going most days. It didn't help much. When I finally got tired of everything on Earth, I decided it was time for a fresh start. I had applied years ago to try to go to Pandora and be an Avatar driver; sent in my DNA and everything. I finally decided it was time to find out if my application as an Avatar security escort had been granted. It took weeks to get an answer, most of it because they sent me something to read and I can't read anything anymore. I had to have my landlady read it to me. I'd gotten clearance to go. Once I knew, I packed all my clothes in a duffel bag and cleared out everything else; one way or another, I was never coming back to Earth. They say you don't dream in cryo; well, they have to be wrong about some things because everyone's just a little different. I saw beautiful colors, swaths of purple, acres of green, plains of blue, suns made out of the most beautiful pale golden green I had ever seen, and a shadow of black and gold that warmed my soul.

Titania BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now