Chapter 2

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When I woke up from cryo, it felt like I had been woken up from a late night back when I was at boot camp. I felt my way around the tube until it opened. Some guy touched my arm and told me we were here and how long it had taken. I pushed my way past him into the zero gravity, but immediately bumped into someone. "Hey, watch it." A disgruntled male voice called out.

"I can't, dick. I'm blind." I retorted, trying to right myself before I floated into someone else.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you need help finding the lockers?" The voice offered.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate  that." I accepted. Once my hand was placed on the row of lockers, I felt my way around until I realized that none of the name plates had letter ridges. "Shit. Hey, can you tell me what locker says Blake, Titania?" After a moment, I got an answer form a different voice, this one a bit more nasally.

"Two up, four to the left." I nodded in thanks, feeling my way until I found it. After pulling out my bag, I shut it and allowed myself to be pulled with the flow of bodies. It wasn't until we were corralled into an area to be seated and sent down to the planet that I needed help again. I felt my way to the very back where I wouldn't get trampled by the able-bodied people that were taking up the most of the front.

"Exxo packs on. Remember, you lose that pack, you're unconscious in twenty seconds, you're dead in four minutes. Let nobody be dead today; looks very bad on my report." I heard, yet another, new voice.

'Yay, lost of new voices and no names. That not confusing for a blind woman.' As I fumbled with the pack and mask, I felt hands trying to grab it from me. I slapped the hands away just as quickly as they'd come. "Don't do it for me. Just guide my hands if you want to help me." I snipped.

"You're really snappy for a blind woman." The first voice from when I got out of cryo replied.

"I wasn't always blind. It only happened about three years before we went into cryo. Something happened while I was on an Airborne mission and I lost the vast majority of my sight." I informed him quietly.

"You're an Airborne? I'm a Marine, lost my legs on my last deployment. I guess we're not so different." He commented. With a small smirk, I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"Retired Officer Blake, Titania. Nice to meet you." He took my hand with a firm grip.

"Corporal Sully, Jake. Nice to meet you too, Titania. You wanna help each other out while we're here?"

"Sure. I'll be your legs if you'll be my eyes. Let's get out of here and inside the base before we're sent back into space." I suggested, hearing the ramp door hissing open. I waited for Jake to get in his wheelchair after our fellow passengers disembark.

"Okay, grab the handles of my chair and walk forward." Jake instructed me. I did as told, pulling against gravity as we went down the ramp and leveling out on solid ground.

"Let's go, special case. Do not make me wait for you." Report guy demanded. 'Bite me.'

"Go left. Someone in a mech-suit is coming towards us." I turned Jake to the left, listening as thuds were made on the ground after following mechanic whirring. 'Jackass.'

"Yo, check this out, man. Meals on wheels. And a hot nurse." I heard a condescending voice.

"Aw man, that is just wrong." Another replied to it. 'Dick.'

"Stop, Titania There's a tank." Jake warned me. I pulled him to a stop just in time as I heard the telltale groan of the tank's wheels rumbling by. "Okay. Let's get moving." I followed Jake's suggestion, staying focused on directions. When we finally got to where we needed to go, I heard a gravelly voice. Jake whispered directions on where to stop but I mostly focused on the authoritative voice.

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