Chapter 8

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For the next few weeks, Tsu'tey taught me how to hunt one step at a time, from how to properly hold a Na'vi bow, read tracks and trails, how to ride and shoot or throw a bola, to use my senses, to appreciate the life around me even more; it wasn't until nearly a month had gone by that he finally took me out on a trial hunt. "Remember, Titania, if you fail, you will have to wait to try again until the next round of hunters are ready."

"I know that, Tsu'tey. You have taught me well, I will not fail. I will make you proud." I brushed off, adjusting my grip on my bow.

"When you are ready, we will go." I nodded to him instead of answering verbally, and we set off from Hometree into the forest. Using both my human and my Na'vi training, I led us deep into the forest in pursuit of a heard of hexepedes. While their tracks were feint on the forest floor, it was easy to follow the sound and smell of their trail. When I finally caught up to them, Tsu'tey fell back to watch and assess me. I waited, watching them for at least half an hour before taking aim at a lone hexepede that was farther away from the herd. Taking a deep breath as I pulled the arrow taut on my ow, I took aim and slowly released the arrow with my breath. As soon as the animal fell, I rushed to its side.

"I see you, brother, and thank you," I started, pushing my knife into his heart just to make sure he didn't suffer, "Your spirit goes with Eywa. Your body stays behind to become part of The People. Rest in peace, now." I finished by pulling my arrow from its flesh and returning it with the others. Tsu'tey rested his hand over my on the hexepede and I turned my eyes to him.

"This is a perfectly clean kill. You are ready. When the others have been chosen, you may choose your ikran." Before I could control myself, I threw my arms around his shoulders and hugged him, only pulling away after his arms had wrapped around me and his tail brushed mine, bringing me back to reality.

"Oh, sorry. I got caught up in the adrenaline." I pulled myself away slowly, keeping my eyes averted. Once we were completely separated, I gathered the hexepede over my shoulder and stood to my feet. When Tsu'tey stood to his feet as well, I followed him back to Hometree.

When we arrived at Hometree, we were swarmed by women and men complimenting me on my hunting skills. After saying 'thank you' many times, I finally freed myself from the crowd, and made my way over to an empty corner. "Not liking all the attention?" Jake as me as he walked up to my side.

"Not used to it. My job before I went blind relied on not being noticed. It's just going to take some time to get used to, is all." I answered.

"Like being able to see again, or walk?"

"Sure, like that. So, when are you going on your trial hunt?"

"Tomorrow. Neytiri says if I get a clean kill I'll go with you and the others to go get my ikran."

"Yep. Should be soon, too. And after we get our ikrans, we become one of The People. You know, I feel more comfortable here than I ever did in the past. I can be myself here, talking about things I never could back home."

"I know what you mean. I can relax without feeling like I'll lose control if I do."

"You like Neytiri, don't you, Jake?"

"Yeah, but she's promised to Tsu'tey. There's nothing I can do."

"I know what you mean." I sighed, looking wistfully to Tsu'tey in the middle of the crowd.

"You like Tsu'tey, huh?"

"Easy to tell, isn't it? Yeah.. I think I'm falling for the engaged warrior. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now."

"Fell for someone you worked with?"

"I fell for my trainer. We spent a lot of time together training. I wanted to be the best student he'd ever had, so I spent all my free time with him getting better and better. It wasn't until I finally worked up the courage to kiss him that he told me he had a fiancée back home. Broke my heart." I told him.

"So what'd you do about it?"

"I transferred to a different trainer. Simple as that. I can't and couldn't allow myself to continue to work with someone I fell for and was intended for someone else. I can get past this. It's just going to take me some time, is all. After I get my ikran and become part of The People, I can do something that doesn't require me to spend so much time with him."

"Sure you can put yourself through it?"

"I can. It's not a big deal. People fall out of love just as easily and quickly as they fall in love."

"You sure about that?"


"I hate when you switch from English to Na'vi like that, you know. I have trouble switching in my head."

"Oh shut up, Jarhead." Jack chuckled at me before walking off to speak to Neytiri.

"Titania." I heard Tsu'tey call my name from my right. I turned my attention to him with a smile.


"You did well today. You will make a formidable taronyu." He complimented.

"You know, I think that's the first time you've ever given me a compliment. I knew I'd wear you down eventually."

"Do not 'get a big head' over it."

"Look at you, quoting a dream walker."

"I managed to learn a few things."

"Well, anyway, I only did so well because I had such a good teacher."

"That you did."

"Now who's getting a big head?"  I joked at him.

"Tomorrow, you rest. The day after, we will go to the rookery and you will find your ikran. She will choose you."

"How will I know when one chooses me?"

"She will try to kill you when your eyes meet. You will have to make tsaheylu quickly or you will die."

"I'll keep that in mind." By this time, Tsu'tey had come to stand right beside me and watched the crowd with me. "What happens after I choose an ikran and become one of The People, Tsu'tey?"

"After the ceremony, you will make a bow from the wood of Hometree, and you may choose a mate."

"Sky People very rarely stay with one mate their whole life. How do the Omaticaya?"

"We make tsaheylu with each other, we mate for life through our bond."

"I don't think I want a mate. My entire life before this was built on being alone."

"You are not alone anymore, Titania. You will be one of The People."

"Thank you, Tsu'tey. For everything you've done for me; even if you didn't want to at first."

"I do not regret it now. I want you to be a taronyu to rival me."

"Oh I will rival you. With time." I teased, my heart feeling both light and heavy with our playful banter. I kept my smile plastered on my face, even as I saw Tsu'tey shoot a glance at Jake and, more importantly, Neytiri. "Anything else that I should know before I get my ikran?"

"After everyone has bonded with their ikran, we shall go for a proper hunt. What we catch will be prepared for the ceremony."

"Great. So get something big." I barely withheld a yawn, but Tsu'tey noticed it any way.

"Go rest now, Titania."

"Good night, Tsu'tey."

"Good night."

Titania BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now