Chapter 16

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'If Eywa's will is for me to join her, I will accept it. Eywa, if you can hear me, I will join you if that is your wish, but I truly want to stay with my new family. I want to stay with Tsu'tey.' It had been a long few days; after speaking with Mo'at, Max had been running all sorts of tests to see if there was anything he could do to give me more time. "Max, enough. Just let me use my time to be with everyone, just in case Eywa keeps me with her. Let me enjoy my time left." I asserted, tired of having needles and other instruments sticking me.

"Titania, you have to take it easy. You can't just link on a whim, anymore."

"Damn it, Max. You, Trudy, and Norm are the only people I've spent any time with in days. I want to see Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu'tey, and the rest of The People." I paused for a coughing fit that wracked my whole body.

"Do you understand why I'm worried? You can barely go an hour without needing an exxo mask inside. What happens if you need on in the link and I can't get to you?"

"Fine. I won't use the link. But I am going to spend time with them. I'll see if Trudy will fly me out."

"Actually," Norm's voice floated to me as he joined us in the lab, "Trudy just got back from a visit. They're coming to see you."

"There, problem solved. I'll wear an exxo pack and spend time with them outside."

"Not too much time."

"We'll take some extra packs with us, Max. She needs to spend time with them." Norm spoke up for me.

"I'm dying, not a child, max. I don't want to be coddled." With that, I picked up the exxo pack by my side and put it on while I walked away.

"He's just worried, you know?"

"I know. And I appreciate that everyone cares enough to worry. But I'm an adult and I want to be treated like one. I'm not going to purposefully over do it."

"Just remember that we're all here for you and we love you."

"Norm, you're acting like I'll drop dead any second. I've got time. And in a few days, we'll be trying to switch me to my Avatar body permanently. I'll be okay. I'm not planning to leave you guys any time soon. You're stuck with me."

"Good. I don't think anyone would stand for it if you left us." I heard Jake say as we stepped out of the airlock.


"It's not eavesdropping if you're loud. Come here." Before I had time to react, my hair had been mussed and I was snatched into the air.

"Put me down, you big galoot! You're five feet taller than me right now!"

"Jake, put my woman down." Tsu'tey instructed in a flat voice. Jake and I both froze, though for different reasons.

"Your what?" I asked, turning my face in the direction of his voice.

"I don't think you want to say what you're about to, man." Jake warned him.

"I think Tsu'tey and I need a few minutes alone, guys. We have a ew things we need to discuss, in private." I requested, immediately being put down by Jake.

"Yell when you need us." Jake said. I waited a few minutes, until I was sure they were out of earshot before I spoke.

"That is not how we discussed telling anyone out intent to be together. We were supposed to wait until after my rebirth."

"I am sorry, Titania. I was only trying to help."

"Help by claiming me like property in front of our friends? People we haven't even discussed this with yet? I will not be owned."

"Titania, you misunderstand. I would never treat you like a possession. You are mine just as I am yours."

"I don't want to own you, Tsu'tey. I just want to be with you. And I don't want you fighting my battles for me. I'm perfectly capable of dealing with Jake on my own."

"I would never, Titania. You are taronyu... and you have the ift. You are meant to do great things with The People."

"I want to be clear, Tsu'tey. Do not ever do that again. I don't want anyone to think I have to be protected. I don't want to be thought of as weak."

"Titania," I felt his hand cupping the side of my face, "I will never let someone call you weak. All of The People saw you help lead us to victory. You will be a beloved ruler."

"The People accepted two Ole'eyktans?"

"Yes. They understand why we have chosen to share the responsibility of leading."

"Good. We don't need chaos and confusion right now."

"I will bring the others back. You stay here." I was along for only a few minutes before I was lifted and placed in a lap.

"So, the cat's out of the bag. Tsu'tey and I plan to mate after I'm in my Avatar body permanently. We haven't announced it yet, and we'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything until then. Mainly talking to you, Jake; you have a big mouth."

"Hey, I resent that."

"She's right, though, Jake. You're not good at keeping secrets all that well." Norm spoke up.

"Just try not to blurt it out for a few days, Jake. Let us be the ones to tell The People."

"I'll do my best, even if it is exciting news." Jake acquiesced.

"Good. Now, maybe we could talk about something else for a while. Norm, Trudy, what are your plans for the future?"

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