Chapter 15

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"Max, what is it?" Max had been the one to give Jake and I exams when e got back to Hell's Gate and had been worrying after me since, even while we were sending Selfridge and all his people back to earth.

"Titania, your lungs... You got the most exposure to the Pandoran air and it's decimated your lungs. I'm honestly surprised you've gone this long without needing a mask to help you breathe. If my timeline is correct and you don't get some help, soon, it's going to kill you." Max intoned.

"How long do I have?"

"Four weeks... Eight maximum."

"Have you told anyone else?"

"No. I thought it'd be best if I left that up to you. It is your business, after all."

"Good. I don't want to ruin today for Jake. I'll tell everyone tomorrow. Just, don't mention it to anyone. Let them be excited for today."

"Titania, if you don't tell them, they're gonna be angry with you." Max warned.

"I know, Max. I'll tell them. Tomorrow." I swore. "Now, I've got to go get ready for Jake's rebirth. I'll stp by tonight afer I'm done in the link."

"Titania, is JakeSully ready?" Mo'at asked me when I walked into the field of the Tree of Souls.

"He is. Neytiri wanted to bring him to the tree. They'll be here in a moment." I answered. Tsu'tey came to my side once Mo'at stepped away.

"What bothers you, Titania?" He worried.

"We still haven't talked, Tsu'tey."

"Once Jake has been reborn by Eywa, we will talk. I promise you, this yawne."

"Why do you keep calling me that? Surely you don't mean to tell me that you've moved on from Neytiri so quickly." Before Tsu'tey could reply, Neytiri entered the field, carrying Jake's naked human body. Once she carried him to Mo'at, Jake's Avatar body was carried to rest at her feet, and Neytiri put him down beside it. Tsu'tey and I sat with the rest of The People, connecting our queues to the roots around us. We prayed to Eywa as a group, asking her to give Jake a new life as her child in his Avatar body. 'Please, Eywa, let my brother continue his life as your son. As one of The People, completely.' The chanting stopped, and I watched as Neytiri took off Jake's exxo mask and closed his eyes, placing a kiss on his forehead. There was a tense moment when I worried if Eywa had kept Jake, but then he rose up and pulled Neytiri into his chest. "Eywa let Jake come back to us." I whispered.

"Titania, come with me. We will talk. Like I promised you. But not here. I do not wish to interrupt the celebration."

"We won't go far, will we?"

"We will not." I followed Tsu'tey with a nod, keeping my eyes on his back until we entered the edge of the forest.

"Tsu'tey, did you know before I said anything that I'm in love with you?"

"No. Jake only said that I should speak with you about the one you love when I spoke with him about knowing their identity."

"Why do you keep calling me yawne? I do not believe you moved on from Neytiri so quickly."

"I was never in love with Neytiri. We were promised to mate by Eytukan and Mo'at after her sister died. Titania, I have been in love with you for some time now. That is why I would pester you about your love."

"Why did you never say anything?"

"For the same reason you didn't, I imagine."

"What do we do now?"

Titania BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now