Don't go

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We drove to my house and started to get ready together. I didn't really know if I was still ok with going. I was perfectly fine with staying home and watching a movie with my baby in my arms.

But here I was at the carnival munching on popcorn.

"Why don't you go on some rides? All you have done is gone around getting food

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"Why don't you go on some rides? All you have done is gone around getting food." Hailey said as me and Walker both put a handful of popcorn to our faces.

We may have been a few years apart but that didn't stop us from acting like weirdos.

"Hey the best part of carnivals is the food. Speaking of which they got fried Oreos." And Walker was off to that stand that said fried Oreos.

"What about you?"

"No I'm good with staying here and holding onto the stuffed animals you two got." Waving one as I said that.

"Are you sure? That one looks fun."

I looked up at the ride that she wanted me to go on. It was going upside down and all over the place. I could feel the throw up coming up all ready.

"I'm go-" my body collided with something that wrapped its arms around me holding me up.

My eyes almost popped out of my face when I saw who I had bumped into.

"Savannah." Left his lips shocked to see me.

I pushed away from him keeping my eyes on his blue ones.

I felt Haileys arm snake around me as she pulled me closer.

"How? Y-your."

What the hell was he doing here?

"I'm out on leave." The way he looked at me used to make me weak in the knees. Right now I didn't know how I felt about it.

"Savannah I-"

"Colton." My brother said getting in front of me blocking Colton from me.

"I think you should get going now." Walker said getting into big brother mode.

Colton's eyes went to me but I only looked away.

"Yeah I guess so..." I heard him leave and felt Hailey pull me closer.

"Walker you didn't need to do that. It was fine."

"And what? Let him hurt my little sister again?" I knew he was only doing what he thought was right. He was just being my brother.

"Now if you Excuse me I'm going to go back in line and get a damn Oreo." I laughed watching him walke back to the line.

"Come on we need to get you on a ride."

If I wasn't feeling like being here before I definitely didn't want to now.

My mind went to one of the few good times I had with him. It made me sad to think that it was only a year and a half ago.


"No don't go!" I cried wrapping my arms and legs around Colton who was sitting tying his shoes. He had spent the past hour getting ready to go work but I didn't want him to leave.

"Sav." He laughed. He was the only one that I knew that called me that. I loved it.

"I got to go."

Resting my face on his right shoulder I tightened my grip.

"No." I sounded like a kid but I couldn't care. I didn't want him to go.

"Come on babe." He got up and I held onto his back squealing as he lifted me up keeping hold of my legs.

We laughed as he walked over to the door.

"Could you grab that." I grabbed a hold of his hat as we walked out and put it on my head as we walked out of the room.

End of flashback:

"Savannah!" I jumped and looked to see Walker and Hailey sitting with me.

"You want to go? I think I've had to much food." Walker patted his stomach and sighed.

"Yeah sounds good."

When I got home later that night I went to Gabby's room and put her in the crib. She would wake up in an hour or so crying for a Bottle.

I walked out to my living room and grabbed my book turning a light on to read. I would just have to stay up now. Not that I could sleep after seeing Colton. It had been a year and a half and he still looked the same.

I needed to promise myself that I wouldn't let him get to me. I didn't want him coming in and breaking me again.

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