Living hell

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For the next few weeks I worked on getting the store ready for the start of school and the end of the summer to come.

I had been working night and Day At the shop. I had heard a few times from Walker and Hailey who were on vacation in Hawaii. They sounded like they were having a lot of fun.

But unfortunately all good things come to an end and they were coming home today. I had to go off and pick them up at the airport.

"Guys!" I waived as they came off the plane. Walker saw me fist waving and pulling Hailey with him.

"You both look tan." I pulled Hailey for a hug as Walker went right to Gabby.

"You'll have to tell me all about the trip."

I helped them get to the car with there things and we went back to my house for some drinks.

"It was so wonderful. The weather was great and the people were so nice. There was this one place we went to and there was a waterfall right in front of us. We must have spent the whole day there!" Hailey had showed me all the photos they had gotten. It was really pretty and looks like a fun time.

"I'm out of wine." I grabbed my glass and looked to Haileys glass.

"You want another?"

"Yeah that would be great."

I grabbed her glass and walked into the kitchen.

My phone went off in my pocket and I put the glasses down to grab it and the wine bottle.



The voice was easy to spot.

"Hey Olive What's up?"

"I-I'm Sorry Savannah." My body froze as I put the bottle down finishing up poring it into the glasses.

"Why?" I grabbed the glasses and went to walk back to Hailey.

I heard her cry and let out a little Yelp.

"Olive? Your scaring me. What's wrong?"

"He's gone Savannah." I stopped looking out my window not even getting to Hailey.

"His station was blown up." She cried and I felt everything in my body break.

I dropped both of the glasses and they fell around me breaking the glass everywhere.

My phone slipped from my face as I realized what happened

"NOOO" I cried as my feet gave out from under me.

Hailey ran to me and so did Walker leaving Gabby in her play pin.

They tried to get me to calm down but it wasn't working. I felt like my soul had been ripped out.

It couldn't be true. Dear god please don't let it be true.

Later that night Walker got me to my bed. He wanted to stay watch me but I told him to go home with Hailey. I wanted to be alone and greave on my own

My living hell came to life. I hated everything at that time. Wanted to know why someone should do this to me.

I wondered that for the rest of the week. I walked around like a zombie. I tried to take care of Gabby but I just couldn't with out help.

Hailey came over a lot to check on me and I would talk to Olive Every day. She tried to help me to. There was no helping.

A week turned into two and I didn't know what to do with my life. I was going back into my deep dark hole and was staying there.

One night I put Gabby to bed and went to my room laying in my bed. I held my hand up and looked at the ring. He promised me.

I heard the doorbell go to my house and I ran down to get the door.

Once I opened it I felt like I was looking at a ghost. There Colton was with a few cuts and a sling on his arm.

I stared blankly for a few moments not fully grasping this.

"I told you I would come back." I jumped for him pulling him to me seeing that he wasn't a ghost.

My heart sunk at first but then I really didn't care. I just wanted to hold him. Tears fell from my eyes as I still couldn't believe this.

"How" I said as I broke. I wanted to know if this was really real.

"They didn't know I was still there. After they left with some of the very poorly injured guys is when I came out. They circled back around a few days later and found me." I held on tight to him thanking god even if it was a dream.

I pulled back and held his face in my hands. I could feel him and he felt real.

"It's Really you." He nodded his head with a small smile making my heart go.

The rest of the night I stayed up holding him not wanting to let him go.

"I love you." He said as he pulled me close laying down with me on my bed.

"I love you."

And in that moment I couldn't have been more complete. He was here back with me and Gabby. He was here to stay.

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