What you wanted

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Colton's P.O.V.

It was the morning after my night from hell.

I was back at my moms taking care of the farm and the horses in the back.

The new little baby one we had who we named Buttercup because of her color, was getting better with the training. She was starting to listen to me more and followed her more a lot more then before.

I was stacking hay when my mom came out with a water for me.

"You know I heard about what happened last night." I kept stacking the hay listening to her.

"You punched Kegan Smalls again." She chuckled making a small smile go across my lips.

"Then I heard from Hailey this morning that Savannah was quite upset. She said something about how my son was a prick to her when she tried to explain to him what happened. But she used way more colorful language." I sighed picking up another thing of hay.

"What's there to talk about mom? She told me everything."

"Did she really? Or did you only stay to hear what you wanted?"

I stopped and looked to her seeing that she was pissed

"You don't know the whole story Colton. You don't have a clue as to what that girl went through. Maybe stay to find out the whole story next time." She threw the water bottle at me and walked off back to the house.

Maybe I had been a little bit of a jerk to her last night. I said somethings to her and I really didn't wait for her to tell me the whole story did I.

I put the bottle down and got back to work thinking of what I could do to help her.


This one is going to be a little short guys, I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you!

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