Coming true

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The past few weeks me and Colton worked together getting the barn ready for the wedding. Most nights we'd stay together doing well...

Then there were the nights that we would be so tired that we would sleep like babies.

As the time went so did the days with Colton. He was going back the day after the wedding and it was almost here.

"Yeah right there!" I said as one of the guys helped me get the barn ready. Walkers groomsmen have been working and helping out for most of the work. I was lucky that they wanted to. 

"Savannah! Hailey need you to go get ready! You're her maid of honor!" Haileys mother called me coming into the barn.

"We only have a few hours. Go on. It will take me lest time to get ready."

I thanked her and went off to the house to get ready with Hailey.

"I can't do this!" Hailey cried as we sat in the back of the church

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"I can't do this!" Hailey cried as we sat in the back of the church. It had taken so much to even get her here. She didn't want to get out of the car at all.

"Hailey I promise you that you do."

"No I can't what if he thinks this is a bad idea."

The music started to play and Haileys dad came into the room as some of the girls went out to get started.

"Listen to me Hailey. My brother is out there. I know him more then anyone and I know that he loves you so much. He wants nothing more then to get married to you. You love him and he loves you. Don't be afraid to start the next chapter of your life." She smiled a small smile and started dancing her eyes.

"Don't make me cry."

I laughed and helped her up pulling her to her dad.

"Alright I got to get out there. Remember that." And with that I went out and got to the doors before they opened them.

"Hailey looked beautiful in her dress. This was her day and she was taking it all in. And Walkers reaction when he saw her...I almost cried seeing how much he really loves her.

As they said there vows I felt eyes on me and looked down to see Colton with Gabby on his lap. He made her little hand wave making me smile.

"Do you Walker Price take Hailey Bright to be your wife."

I watched as Colton's mouth started to move. I didn't catch what he said so he said it again and this time I payed attention.

"I love you" He mouthed to me. That moment sent me out. I felt my heart thump thinking of him.

"I love you too." Left my lips before I could think. It was true. I loved him. He made me the best me.

After the church we got everyone to drive down to the barn where we had the reception.

It was like a fairytale. All the lights were strung up everywhere and everything was done up like Hailey wanted it.

"There's my baby!" I smiled taking Gabby from Colton.

"It looks great in here. You really did it up." I looked around at my work proud that I had the chance to do it.

"There's the little munchkin!" Olive said as she came over looking at Gabby.

Gabby outstretched her arms to Olive and I let her go to her.

"The food looks great Olive and the cake. I mean wow." I looked over that the cake on the table separated from the food. It looked so good and I only wondered how it tasted.

"Alright everyone let's give it up for Mr. And Mrs. Price!" The dj said and we all looked to the barn doors to see my brother and Hailey come in.

They looked happy as could be and so in love.

They both walked in hand and hand looking all around at everything. When Hailey saw me she ran over.

"Thank you so much." She pulled me into a hug.

"Go have fun!" I laughed pulling away and seeing her run off to Walker.

For the rest of the night we partied and had as much fun as we could.

"Can I have this dance?" Colton asked putting his hand out to me. I laughed by the funny voice he did when he said that.

"Of course." I took his hand and let him pull me out to the dance floor.

He spun me around swaying to the music with me as we got out there.

I wish that I could just enjoy the moment but it was hard to. In the back of my mind was how he was going to leave me tomorrow.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He smiled looking down at me.

"How long are you going to be gone?" His smile wavered a little.

"A few months."

"A few months Colton."

He sighed turning to dance again lookin anywhere but me.

I rested my head on his shoulder feeling him lean into me a little more.

My worst nightmare was coming true. He was leaving me again and there was nothing I could do to stop again.

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