Just like old times

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"Why don't you stay?" I asked wanting him to.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded my head and he smiled "Come Gunner." Gunner jumped out of the back of the truck and ran up to us.

Getting in I went up to put Gabby to bed. She had fallen asleep in the car and I was Thankful for it.

I ran to my room and threw my shoes in my closet. Before I could leave something passed my mind.

I looked to my dresser and saw the small little box on it.

I walked over picking it up and examining it a little.

"I hope you don't mind. I put a fire on." He said as I came down to the living room.

"No it's fine."

He sat on my couch and looked to me.

"What's that?"

I looked down one last time at the box in my hand.

Walking over I gave it to him and sat down next to him.

"I thought you might want this back."

He opened it and I saw his jaw clench.

"You keep it." He said closing it and giving it back to me.

"Colton it's not my ring. I can't keep it."

"I want you to. I gave it to you. I'm keeping my promise."

I looked down at it and sighed.

"You Leave again in a few weeks Colton."

"And I'll say it again. I'm coming back to you." He lifted my head to look at him.

"The question is will you wait for me? Because I want to make this work Sav."

I wanted it to work to but how could I when I had this fear that he would never come back to us. It would break me more if I let myself go and that happened.

"Just keep it" he closed my hand up around the box and pushed it back to me.

I wasn't going to fight with him now. I liked how things were. Even if they weren't going to stay.

I put the box down and grabbed the remote turning the tv on.

He pulled me to his chest and I found myself falling asleep like I used to with him.

I woke to the sound of laughter. My eyes popped open fast.

In front of me there sat Colton and Gabby who was wide awake.

"I'm sorry. She was crying so I got her a bottle." The sun blinded me a little as I sat up. I must have been dreaming right? I wasn't seeing this?

"It's fine." I looked to my clock on the wall and saw that it was 10:00. Thank god the shop was closed for the day of I don't think I would be getting in.

"Do you want to go out ridding?" I looked back to him confused as to what he meant."

But that didn't last. Here I was about to get on a horse.

 Here I was about to get on a horse

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"nope can't do it." I backed away from the horse and went to run but he stopped me.

"You can and you will"

"You know I think I just got a text from the babysitter. She said that the baby is sick. I got to go." I held my phone up and went to run again but this time he wrapped his arms around me and placed me back in front of the horse.

"Come on Sunny's a sweet girl." He pet her a little trying to make me feel better.

"Colton I cant." He turned me around and put his hat on my head making me look up to him.

"I believe that you can. Come on just trust me."

I sighed and turned back to the horse grabbing onto the reins. I put my foot in the stirrup and tried to get myself up. Colton put his hand on my back and helped me up.

"Wow ok fuck it's high." I looked down at him as he chuckled.

"Alright so just follow me.

He went to his horse and got on like it was the most easy thing in the world.

"Easy to say." I huffed as I tried to get the horse to go. She went off with a jerk and off she was following Colton's Horse

We went all around and soon we came to a stop near a pond that was a little out.

"You ready?" Colton asked as he got down from his horse pulling off his flannel.

"Um for what?" He smiled at me and pulled his shirt off making my eyes go wide.


"Your cute." I laughed moving away from him.

"Fine." He shrugged his shoulders pulling his pants off. I watched  In utter shock.

He was super built from the last time I had seen him. Toned everywhere he could be. This was not the kid that I was with before.

"Take a photo it will last longer." He made me look up to his face as I realized I was practically eye raping him.

He chuckled and walked off down to the water.

"Come on it's not even that cold." He called stepping in.

"Not happening cowboy!"

"Sav please!" He called making me laugh.

"Savannah come on get in the water!" He said a little more demanding now.

"Savannah Grace get your little ass in here." I raised my eyebrows at him not moving one bit. He was gonna have to do a lot more then that.

"I'm sorry baby please just get in the water. For me please." It was hard to stay mad at him. I took his hat off putting it down as I kicked my shoes off. Next was my shirt and then my jeans. I ran off down to the water and got my feet in and instantly felt like hell.

"You said it wasn't cold!" I went to run out but he wrapped his arms around me pulling me in.

"No your not going."

"COLTON!" I laughed letting him take me.

With him I felt like myself again. I wasn't scared to let myself go. He made me feel so many things at once. I was happy.

On the way back in his car we went to his house. We drove down the light almost dark road listening to music.

His hand was on My thy like old times and my hand was over his.

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