Just one more

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The next morning I got up and got ready for the day. I had to go out with Hailey and help her pick out a wedding dress. Her and Walker were getting married in a few months and it was already late. We had to find one soon.

"What about this one?" She asked as she stepped out of her dressing room to come out to the room filled with mirrors.

"I don't like the neckline." It was to high and had to much lace.

"Yeah I agree." She sighed looking defeated. We had looked at so many dresses already. I was getting tired and I could tell she was.

I got up looking at a rack filled with dresses. The one that I saw was perfect.

"Try one more." I begged looking back at her.

"What? Why don't we ju-"

"One more." I grabbed the dress and pushed her into the dressing room happy that I saw it.

"Fine but this is it." She went in and a few moments later came out in the one.

"Oh my god." She smiled at me in the mirror when she saw it.

I nodded my head knowing that we found it.

"Now we only have to find the flowers." Hailey said as we walked down the street in the town. It was a beautiful day out and that meant that more people would be here shopping and eating.

"And a-" I looked off to one of the hardware stores and saw Colton walking out with a bunch of bags. He put them in the back on his old beat up red truck. That truck was quite the memory. He's had that car since he was in high school.

"I think Mrs Young would be good to do the catering."

"What?" I had come back  to the conversation and didn't hear what she said before.

"For the party? Don't you think Mrs You g would be good for catering?"

"Oh yeah, sure."

"Good the we can go see her today." He phone went off and she grabbed it answering it.

"Hello?" She said stepping away as I looked at one of the outside shops. I picked up a book that I found in one of the boxes. It was definitely an older one, but I couldn't help but want to read it.

"Um that was the people with the venue. Apparently they don't think they can give us it anymore. Something about a to many weddings that day. I have to go handle this. My mom is coming to get me. Why don't you go off to Mrs Young's shop and talk to her for me."

"Yeah that's fine." I took her keys from her, as I put the book back.

"Alright and then I'll meet you back at your house."

"Sounds good." I nodded.

I went off to her car and drove off out of town to the place that I knew like the back of my hand.

Pulling up to the old house that I used to spend many nights at as a kid brought back many things.

I went up to the door putting the keys in my pocket and knocking on the door.

When the door open I looked through the screen door seeing Mrs Young. I had seen her every now and then at church but now she was up close. She looked older but still very preppy.

"Savannah Price." She laughed opening the door.

"It's been a long time."

"Hi Mrs Young."

"Please call me Olive." She said to me.

Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and she had her famous apron on. She was cooking a pie from the wonderful smell I was getting.

"Well girly come in. I'm just making some blueberry pies." She walked off wanting me to follow. I stepped in closing the door and followed after her to the kitchen.

"What can I do for you?"

"Um I need a caterer for a wedding." She looked up at me shocked at what I had just said.
"For Walker and Hailey." I said quickly.

"Oh that's right. That brother of yours found a girl that could put up with him." She chuckled. I watched as she picked up pie crusts putting it into a pan. I used to help her make them when I could. It was my favorite time.

"Yeah and well she wanted me to come and see if you could."

"Well where's the party?"

"Well w-we don't know yet."

Her eyes looked to me confused as to what I meant.

"Haileys having trouble with it right now as we speak."

She smiled "well knowing that one she won't give up till she gets what she wants."

That was right. Hailey was really one to go for a Lot.

"How's that baby of yours?" She asked looking up. I saw the look that I saw for months from people in town. I hated it. Every time I got it I was reminded of what happened to me.

"She's doing fine." I think she saw I didn't want to bring it up and moved on.

"What kinda food  does she want?"

"Country barbecue." I had remembered Walker was talking about that. Hailey really didn't want that but he insisted.


"Walker?" She laughed again nodding her head.

"Well I would love too. What's the date?"

"August 9th"

"The day before Colton goes back." She said more to herself. "I should be good."


The back door popped open and we looked to see the one she had spoken of.

Colton's eyes landed on mine as he stood there in his cowboy hat and old denim jeans with a blue shirt. Why did he have to look so good like that. Wait why was he here?

"So?" Olive asked looking to him.

"Well she's hard one to tame." He laughed walking in and taking his hat off. His mothers rule. Take your heat off before coming inside.

"Well she's a baby. It's goin take time."

What were they talking about?

He stepped around me to go into the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Does Hailey need a cake?" She asked me making me look away from Colton.

"Um I think so. She didn't say anything about it to me."

"Well I'll have to talk to her. Do you have a number that I can call her from?"

"Oh right." I took out a paper and pen and started writing it down.

"Let me go put this in my phone now." She took the paper and walked off to go get her phone.

Colton turned the water off grabbing a towel before he turned back to me.

I didn't know where to look so I looked down at my hands.

"Your home." I asked looking up finding my voice.

"For a while. Got let off for the summer." His voice how I missed it.

No Savannah don't do this again.

I nodded my head and grabbed my bag.

"Well the army needs you." I hissed walking off. God I was still mad at him after all this time.

"Savannah!" He called coming to me.

I ran out the door and went to the car. Getting in I slammed the door but he pulled it open.

"Please don't be like that."

"Like What Colton?"

"Don't leave like this. Come on I'm back."

"Leave." I laughed. "You mean like you did?" He looked harshly at me. I took that to pull the door back and slammed it closed.

I pulled out leaving him behind like he did to me.

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