Missed that

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Later that night we went back to my house and got changed. I ordered some Chinese food for us and finished getting Gabby ready for bed.

Once I got her a bath I got her into her pjs and got a new bottle for her. Once she was down I went down to sit with Colton.

"The food just got here." He told me as he started pulling everything out and putting it out on the table.

"Great I'm starving."

I grabbed a fork and started picking at the food with him.

"So your brother actually invited me to the barbecue on Wednesday." Colton said stuffing some chicken into his mouth.

"That's a step up. I think it's better then him wanting to punch you all the time." He nodded his head with a smirk.

He looked down at my hand and looked to my ring finger. I know what he was looking for.

"Did you get rid of it?"

"No" I said softly feeling bad now.


"I didn't even get rid of the clothes up in the room." I had kept pretty much everything the same in the house. I couldn't get myself to move anything.

"Savannah. I'm so sorry." He said putting his fork down.


"No let me say this."

I stopped eating putting my fork down like him to look up to him.

"I was so wrong to leave like that. You have to understand that I felt horrible for so long after. I meant everything I said though. I was coming back to you."

I knew he was a man of his word. He stayed true to everything.

"You hurt me."

I said starting it up now.

"And I'll live with that for the rest of my life Savannah." He grabbed my chair pulling me closer to him shocking me.

He pulled me till I was face to face with him.

"But I'm not going to stop trying until you forgive me." He held my face in his hands looking me in the eyes. "You matter to me." He said softly right before his lips pressed to mine.

He was taking me again and I was ok with it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him to me.

His lips moved with mine keeping me feeling like I'm falling.

I felt him lift me off my chair and put me in his lap as he kissed me more passionately.

This was so much in a kiss.

Sadness's, Love, passion...everything we felt was being put into it.

His hands gripped my waist as I held his face.

We pulled back outing our heads together letting our breath come back.

"Well I've missed that." I chuckled hiding my head in his chest not believing what we had just did.

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