Playing games

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Savannah's P.O.V.

"Walker can you take these into the back for me?" I asked softly as I pushed a box to him.

"Yeah I got it." He picked it up and went right off to the back.

I grabbed my phone and saw that Hailey had texted telling me she was done on the phone with Mrs. Young.

The bell went off and I put a fake smile on my face that quickly went away when I saw who it was.

"I know you'd rather see anyone but me."

I grabbed a bunch of books and walked off to the other side of the shop.

"Sav don't be like this."

"Leave Colton." I put books up on the shelves and tried to block him out.

The books were pulled from my hands and I looked at him with fire in my eyes.

"I was a jerk ok. You were trying to tell me something and I didn't listen. I'm here to tell you I want to now."

It was a little to late for that.

"What the hell is he doing here." Walker came out from the back pushing Colton a little making him drop the books he had.

"No Walker stop."

Colton rolled his eyes which didn't help. Walker went to pick him but missed when Colton ducked and pushed him a little.

"STOP." I got in between the both of them.

"You hurt my little sister. You and that fucker you call a friend." I held walker back as him and Colton got close again.

"Really I hurt her? I was coming back for her."

"Yeah then why did your friend have a go at her?"

"Walker stop."

"What?" Colton said pushing more into my back.

"I swear on my parents grave if you two start a fight in my store I will have both of you arrested. Related or not." They both looked down on me and moved away a little giving me space.

"We need to talk Sav."

"Over my dead body!" I gave Walker a harsh stare wanting him to shut up.

"We Don't Colton. I don't want to say anything more to you."

I grabbed the books off the ground and pushed them into Walkers chest.

"You can clean up this and put them where they need to go. Almost starting a fight." I sighed moving away and going back to the front desk.

"Please Just have dinner with me Savannah. I want to talk to you."

Me with him. Dinner.

I looked at him for a little thinking of I wanted to do this to myself.

"Fine but just because I say yes doesn't mean I'm telling you anything. You lost my trust a long time ago Colton. Don't make me regret it."

"You won't. Come by my house tonight. I'll cook." I remember how he was a very good cook. It made my mouth water just thinking about his food.

"Fine...But one thing."


"Your gonna need to tell me where you live."  He chuckled nodding his head.

"I live right down the street from the old hangout after the football games. 235."

"God you didn't." I laughed.

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