You kept that

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Warning ⚠️ 16 and up chapter jut be warned. If you don't want to read that then just continue to the next chapter.

As soon as we got to his house I went up to the bathroom.

I grabbed a towel from his room as he went in to change.

"Here." Colton passed me one of his shirts before he went into his closet.

I went to the bathroom pulling my shirt over my head.

I looked in the mirror back at him and saw him taking his clothes off.

My breath slowed as I thought of things that I really shouldn't be thinking right now.

I pulled my pants off and looked back through the mirror at him as saw him turn to me. He was watching me to.

I felt something burn in me as he stared at me. He was hard but like he wanted something.

I grabbed the hook to my bra and let it go letting it fall. His taw got tighter and he seamed to relax a little as I kept my eyes on his.

I grabbed my panties next and pulled them down still feeling his eyes on me.

This time when I looked up he was slowly getting closer.

I faced the mirror and watched him make his way to me.

When The front of his body hit the back of mine I felt electricity go through me.

He brought his hand up my back sending shivers all over me as he did. He brought it up pushing some of my hair to the side as his lips found my neck.

I leaned more into him feeling his hands wrap around my waist. He held me with a grip that said he wasn't ever letting me go.

I held onto the sink as he sucked on my skin once again probably leaving a mark.

He reached his hand into the shower and turned the water on and made me turn to him. His eyes were serious as he thought of his next move.

I moved to the shower and he watched me ever so closely.

A few moments later he was with me kissing me and holding me tight.

Once we washed off he turned the water off grabbing a towel for me and one for me.

We stepped out and he shocked me when he lifted me off my feet throwing me over his shoulder.

"Colton!" I laughed and I heard him laugh along.

He took me out to the bed putting me down on it.

"God I missed that sound." He smiled


"Your laugh." He kissed my lips and pulled back looking down on me.

He grabbed for my towel and ripped it away from me as he looked at my eyes. I was only me when I was with him. I wasn't scared to let him see. He made me feel loved and safe.

"Your so beautiful" he sighed kissing me again and this time he didn't stop.

I felt his towel leave our space and the rest of the night was just us two. The love we still had cake back. Made me realize how much I was truly holding back from him.

The sound of my phone going off made me get up. I grabbed my phone from the desk beside me and saw that it was the babysitter. I had asked her if she could stay over for the night and thankfully she was willing.


I felt Colton's body move next to me waking up.

"Yes Faith I'll be home in a little bit." I sighed hearing that she had to go to her next job in the next hour.

"Don't worry I'll call my brother and he can get you out of there. Yes thank you Faith."I hung up and sent a quick text to Walker before outing my phone down.

Colton's arms wrapped around me pulling me close to his body.

"You got to go?."

"Unfortunately yes. My daughter is waiting on me." He smiled when I turned around to look at him.

"Well when will I see you again?"

"I have work today and for the rest of the week. Maybe Friday."

He sighed rolling his eyes.

"You mean I got to wait that long to-" I covered his mouth afraid of what he might say.

"I hope 'see you' was going to come out of those lips Colton." I felt him smirk.

"Sure." He said and I pulled my hand away.

I got up and looked around his room for a clock. My eyes stopped when I saw a book that I recognized.

"You kept that?" I asked looking to the book that I had given to him a long long time ago. It was a gift but mostly a joke. I had given it to him for his birthday and left a little note in it. If I remember correctly it was some book about a guy who goes on all these crazy adventures.

"Yeah Of course I did. Read the note every night." I grabbed the covers going over to it and picking it up.

"To my lover." I smiled plopping back on the bed next to him.

"Colton this is for all the adventures you give to me. I hope more is to come and that our love grows everyday for each other.  I love you to the moon and back."

I can't believe I had given that to him. It was a really long time ago and showed.

"You'd read this?"

"Every night to the point where some of the guys started to think I was crazy."

I smiled leaning closer to him and kissed him.

"Friday night I can I talk you and Gabby out to dinner?"

"I would like that." I smiled getting up and running to the bathroom to get changed.

Colton dropped me off later that morning and I went into the house to hear Gabby's shows playing

I walked into the living room to see Walker passed out on the couch as Gabby sat on his lap watching the show.

I shook my head walking over and grabbing Gabby.

I grabbed the water on the table beside me and threw it to his face.

"WHAT! I'm up!" Walkers eyes blinked a few times till he realized what had happened.

"Sleeping on the job?"

"Oh come on! You texted me at 6:00. I got here and I just wanted to sleep. Hailey's driving me crazy with how much she worry's around the wedding and her mothers driving me crazy to! I don't think I can do this."

"Don't make me get more water." He froze up and looked up at me.

"You better not be having second thoughts. Have you thought about how stressed she is?" I saw the realization hit in his head.

"She's running around trying to get everything perfect for her special day. Maybe if you helped a little she wording be as crazy." I said lightly.

"Fine I'll work on it but can I please sleep here? Her mom wakes up super early to do her work outs and I don't need that in my life."

I smiled rolling my eyes. "Fine but you got to lock up before you leave."

I went and got ready for work starting my day off.

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