To old friends

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"Let's go out me and you"

Hailey said as we sat in my room.

"I don't want to." I was still very upset about the way Colton left. I wanted to know what was going through his head when he saw gabby

"Well your going. You've been like this since you came home. What's going on?"

I didn't want to bing it up. I knew it I brought up Colton she would have gotten Walker who would threaten to punch him. I wanted to keep everything at bay right now.

"Um I need to take a-"

"Walker said he would watch her."

"WHAT!" I heard Walker call from the other room.

"Your sister is in here and looks like she has had a bad week. I want to take her out to the bar for the night."

It was quite for a moment "fine." He said like a kid getting upset at his mom.

Gabby giggled making us laugh.

Gabby giggled making us laugh

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(Savannah's outfit)

"Let's get a drink!" Hailey said over the music pulling me to the bar.

I haven't had a drink in quite some time. I didn't know how I would act to it but there's a time for everything.

"Two miller lights." She says to the bartender.

I felt eyes on me and moved closer to Hailey. A lot of people from my high school were here to night from the looks of it. Already I have talked to a few girls who were in my class.

"Look It's Chris!" I looked back and saw one of my greatest friends from high school.

"CHRIS?" I wrapped my arms around him as he came to us.

"Savannah Price!" He laughed pulling back.

"And Hailey Bright. Well I can't believe you two are still here in town."

"Well not everyone gets payed to travel." I laughed.

"Well I only get payed to take the photos. The traveling is a perk."

"How has it been?" Hailey asked handing me my beer.

"It's great. Me and my wife have gone-"

"WIFE!" Me and Hailey said looking around.

He laughed and walked over to a brown haired girl pulling her over to us.

"April say hi to my best friends Hailey and Savannah."

"Oh I know who  you to are." She smiled.

"Chris has told me so much about you two it's so nice to meet you."

"Wait so why is everyone in town?" Hailey asked confused as I was.

"Some people came back for Coach Johnson's funeral."

Coach Johnson was the football coach. He wanted Colton to go off to become a pro so much. He was like a father to him.

I couldn't believe he had passed.

"Oh my god."

"Yeah it's horrible. I mean he was 89. The man lived a good life."

I looked around trying to see if the one person who I didn't need to be here was here.

"Savannah?" I turned around to see Kegan one of Walkers old friends from high school.

"Oh my god Kegan." He pulled me to him for a hug.

"Man last time I saw you was when we had Walkers 21 birthday party right before I moved to Vegas."

"Wow that long ago." I laughed.

He was a really good looking guy. I remember always having a small little crush on him whenever he came around.

We sat and talked for a while catching up on a lot of things. He made me laugh and was sweet.

"Wow you've really grown." He chuckled taking another sip of his drink. We had been drinking together now for a while.

"I guess so."

"I mean damn. Walker really tried to keep you hidden."

What did he mean? I was starting to get a little uncomfortable now.

I looked around for Hailey but couldn't see her anywhere.

"What do you say we go and have a little fun?" He got closer to me putting his hand on my leg. My eyes got wide as I saw him do this. What was going on

"I-I think I should leave." I went to get up but he caged me into the bar putting both his arms on either side of me.

"Oh come on-"

"She said she wants to leave." Colton pulled Kegan away from me and stepped in front of me.

"Oh come on man." Kegan laughed.

He got closer to Colton and whispered something to him. The next thing I knew Kegan was knocked out on the floor after Colton had punched him.

"COLTON!" I screamed grabbing his arm before he did it again.

He looked to me and then back to Kegan.

"I'm going to need you to leave." The bartender said to Colton who looked pissed Enough.

"Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out with me. I texted Hailey and she apparently went home a while ago and didn't want to pull me away from Kegan. I wished she did now.

"Oh my god your hands bleeding!" As we got outside I realized that he had a few cuts on his hand.

"It's fine."

"No it's not. Your bleeding."

"Sav it's fine." Ha laughed.

I looked up at him when he called me that.

"Y-you know what. Let's go to the diner down the street. I can fix my hand there."

"Yeah." I said taking his hand and pulling him with me.

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