Episode 2

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Sam: I don't know how to tell you this, but... There are monsters out there.

Cole: You don't think I know that? I did two tours in Iraq. Special ops. Darfur. The Congo. I've seen suicide bombers and child soldiers so hopped up on speed that they could barely talk, but they could sure as hell shoot an AK.

Sam: Not that kind of monster.

Cole: Don't tell me about monsters, cause I've met my share.  

Sam: Cas, Dean's a demon

Castiel: Dean's a demon? How?

Sam: The Mark, I guess it messed him up, I don't know.

Castiel: That is a vast understatement.  

Hannah: Castiel I think the Winchesters are a bad influence on you.

Castiel: Sam and Dean may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're the best men I've ever known. And they're my friends.  

Dean: Two shots here, and he'll have something fancy with your tiniest umbrella.  

Hannah: I understand the three beans, but what's the surprise?  

Dean: Like I said, loser with a capital L rhymes with you suck.

Lester: Yeah well, you're a punk ass demon, you work for me now. So get in there and do your job, you freak.

Dean: And what are you gonna do, you gonna watch? Is that what you like to do Lester, watch? Well watch this.

Little Girl: Did you have a good dream?

Castiel: Well, I, uh, I don't really dream.

Little Girl: Why? One time I dreamed that my snot was a rocket and it shot into space and knocked down the stars to make room for more rockets!

Castiel: That sound's like some very special snot.  

Castiel: What are you doing?

Metatron: You know perfectly well what she is doing Asstiel.  

Castiel: I enjoy thinking about you locked up in here, rotting until the end of time. It's my 'happy place.'

Metatron: Yeah? Um, no I'll get out. It may take a century, it may take a millennium or two, but this dump will not hold me forever. And when I'm free, here's a little sneak preview: Everybody dies.  

Dean: So what are you gonna do, you gonna kill me?

Sam: No.

Dean: Why? You don't know what I've done, I might have it coming.

Sam: I don't care. Because you are my brother and I'm here to take you home.

Dean: You're my brother and I'm here to take you home. Ah, what is this a Lifetime movie, with your puppy dog eyes? Thanks Sammy, I needed that.  

Dean: Well hey, I'm not saying I didn't slice and dice your old man. I'm just saying he wasn't the first and he certainly wasn't the last and they all just kinda get blended up.

Cole: I saw you, that night after. You let me live. That was dumb, real dumb. I've spent half my life training for this moment, I've played out this fight a thousand times in my mind. And I know about you Dean-O, and you're good, you're real good. But you see, I'm better.  

Dean: You have no idea what you walked into here do you? None.

Cole: What are you?

Dean: I'm a demon.  

Sam: This doesn't make us square. If I see you again...

Crowley: Oh stop it Samantha, nobody likes a tease.  

Sam: This thing's filthy.

Dean: It's just a car Sam.

Sam: 'It's just a car.' Wow, you really have gone dark.  

Sam: You know what Dean. I saw what happened back there, you could have killed that guy and you didn't, you took mercy on him.

Dean: You call that mercy? Imagine you spend your whole life hunting down the guy that knifed your father. When you finally find him, he whips you like a dog- how do you think that feels? That kid is going to spend his whole life knowing that he had his shot and that he could't beat me, that ain't mercy. That's the worst thing I could have done to him. And what I'm gonna do to you Sammy, well that ain't gonna be mercy either.  

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