Episode 21

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Dark Dynasty  

Dean: Well, you look like crap on toast.

Sam: I just haven't really been sleeping well.

Dean: Is there a woman you haven't mentioned?

Sam: A woman?

Dean: Well, I'm just saying you weren't here when I went to bed last night, you been running off on your own a lot these past couple of weeks.

Sam: I do that.

Dean: You actually don't.

Sam: Dean, we don't always do the exact same thing at the exact same time. Remember when you went off and snuffed that vampire nest by yourself?  

Dean: Well, there's pretty much what we do know, that they screwed with financial markets, they helped Hitler get started, along with god knows what else, probably disco. But you go back to the 1800s, and the trail goes dead. There's nothing in the research, there's nothing online. It's like the family just popped up one day.  

Charlie: Well, Dean wanted it burned, so is he pissed? Of course. He doesn't know. Geez! The two of you.

Sam: Charlie, he's not himself. He's not. He would try and stop me. He's given up. Look, I called in an expert to- to use the codex, but it turns out it's sort of... encoded also, so I thought you might help... move things along faster.  

Rowena: I thought I was clear, Samuel. I requested more time, not an assistant.

Sam: And I thought I was clear, Rowena. Charlie is not your assistant. You're hers.  

Rowena: And you studied your craft where?

Charlie: Mostly a joint called Más Java. It has excellent Wi-Fi.

Rowena: I have not heard of this institution, and I know all the great global centers of witchcraft.

Charlie: Makes sense, 'cause I'm not a witch. I'm a nerd. And I know all the great centers of nerddom.  

Rowena: Hell's bells. More distractions? What are you? Witch or nerd?

Castiel: Angel.

Rowena: Beg pardon?  

Rowena: Does he know that the first rule is don't tell your brother what we're doing?

Castiel: Wait- Dean doesn't know? Sam, this never ends well.

Charlie: That's exactly what I said.

Sam: Okay, everyone take a breath. Look, we're up against it, okay? And we've all been up against it before, and we know there are times when every choice sucks. Now, us... lying to Dean... is the choice that sucks the least. We have to make this work. Please.

Charlie: Okay, yeah. For Dean.

Sam: Cas?

Castiel: Okay. For Dean.

Sam: For Dean.

Rowena: Barely know the man.  

Crowley: Just for once, I wish you trolls would bring me some good news. 'Sire, Missouri has boils.' Something cheerful.  

Charlie: I actually don't see our similarities all that much.

Rowena: Because you're young and good and I'm ancient and evil? Is that it? What? Let me tell you about you, a difficult and lonely childhood. Tragedy, absent parents. Always outside the mainstream. Sexually progressive. Living in your own head for solace and direction. Yeah, but still, we are pretty different. I read you the minute I saw you. And I'm sure you're learning that the line between good and evil is quite flexible. But we part company when it comes to blind devotion. Case in point, the Winchesters. You've made them the family you don't have. Foolish.

Charlie: Sam and Dean are like my brothers. I love them.

Rowena: I know. And that steadfast loyalty will be your undoing, my girl.  

Sam: Uh, what about you? How you doing?

Dean: Oh, you mean the thing? Yeah. Yeah. You know, some dark thoughts, creepy visions, violent urges. Same old same old. I'm happy I got a murder to focus on, though.  

Charlie: I am doing my best, but with her criticizing, breathing down my neck, trying to sign me up for team witch, oh, oh, and moaning how the one good year for music was 1723, I- I am going crazy.

Castiel: I know.

Charlie: No, I mean, she is evil.

Castiel: She is a wicked witch, so by definition-

Dean: Cas?

Castiel: Sam.

Dean: No, it's Dean. What's up?

Castiel: Nothing. I'm just, uh... Just staying in touch. Like I do.

Dean: Something on your mind?

Castiel: No. This call is pointless. My ride's here.  

Sam: See, our family business is putting guys like you out of business.

Eldon: Oh. It's impressive. Let me tell you about my family business. You're in way over your heads. The family is vast, spread over the world. And that power that you mentioned doesn't come from the book. It comes from intelligence and will. The book facilitates. Stock market dive, recession, 9/11, any of them ring a bell? Arab Spring. Didn't even break a sweat.  

Rowena: Once she has children of her own, she'll know all about betrayal.

Castiel: You have a child?

Rowena: Do I have a child? The King of Hell. That's all. The King.

Castiel: Crowley is your son? Well, that explains a lot. I'm sure that was quite a challenge.  

Dean: Charlie has the damn Book of the Damned?!

Charlie: No, I don't have it. I just- I- I just- I have my notes.

Sam: Then give them your notes, Charlie! Give them the code, whatever they want!

Dean: Charlie, I don't know what the hell is going on, but you need to listen to me. Give whoever that is whatever they want. You understand? Charlie?!

Charlie: I can't do that, Dean.  

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