Episode 10

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The Hunger Games

Rowena: You're soaked in the horror sweat. I haven't seen that since the plague years, darling what can I do?

Crowley: Not a thing you evil bitch.

Rowena: 'Not a thing you evil bitch,' mother.  

Dean: That was a massacre, is what it was. There was a time I was a hunter, not a stone cold killer. You can say it, you're not wrong. I crossed a line. Guys this thing's got to go.  

Claire: This isn't going to work. I mean come on you look like my father, it is his body, but he's dead and I get you feel bad. But, you, whoever you are, are nothing to me.

Castiel: Claire that's not true, I'm in large part responsible for how your life unfolded. I have a responsibility to help you.  

Metatron: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on there badass. Lighten up. Why do you just assume I won't help?

Sam: Because you're a dickwad.

Metatron: But I'm your dickwad. I have a special place in my... non-heart for you both, to which end ta-da! I would be tickled to help you pop this Biblical zit. To do it you are going to need one specific thing... Your old bud, the First Blade.

Sam: What?

Metatron: As I said ain't life a bitch?  

Rowena: Of course you recall the lovely lullaby I sang you nightly after you fed the goat.

Crowley: You never sung me a lullaby, you dosed me with whiskey until I passed out.

Rowena: Even then I had a touch for pharmacology, your mum was a prodigy.

Crowley: Funny not what I called you.  

Crowley: It's insane. You want me to procure the most dangerous weapon on the planet for Dean Winchester, the man who goes mental every time he touches it? I thought you wanted to go for a beer, catch a film.  

Castiel: I thought there would be a connection- one extremely messed up human to another. You could explain why you murdered her only friend.

Dean: Oh yeah well, when you put it like that.  

Dean: I mean where do I begin? Stealing Cas' grace, casting out the angels, making Gadreel kill Kevin using my brothers hands, starting an angel war, and oh yeah... You killed me.

Metatron: My morality is being judged by Dean Winchester? How many people have suffered and died because they believed in you? How many times have you lied to Sam, including, oh by the way, when he was possessed by an angel? And you say, 'oh well it's for the greater good' but lately buddy, that greater good thing went away didn't it? And now people die because you want them to. Good Dean, go darker. Go deeper. Surely you noticed every time you respond when the Mark gets you all twitchy, you fall deeper under its spell. You think roughing up a few demons or humans makes it worse? Try messing with the Scribe of God bucko!  

Metatron: And then Kevin's death all on you, you put him in harms way and kept him there. Gadreel possessing Sam, who was it who tricked Sam into letting him in? And then my personal favorite, Dean Winchester. Whose entire existence is defined by a war on the dark and monsterous, bromancing his way around the country with the King of Hell.  

Dean: He said the river ends at the source.

Sam: What does that mean?

Dean: Maybe nothin'. It was the last thing he said before you guys busted in.

Sam: Dean, look man we had to.

Dean: Hey, no I get it, alright. I was going to kill him, and I couldn't stop myself.

Sam: We'll figure it out alright. Remember what Cas said about needing a powerful force?

Dean: Yeah so?

Sam: So, I've been thinking, look. Cain still has the Mark right? And he's lived with it, for years he's lived with it. So yeah, the Mark is strong, but Dean maybe there's a part of you that wants to give into it, and maybe you have to fight that, you know? Maybe part of that powerful force has to be you.  

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