Episode 16

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Paint it Black

Demon: Your mother remains... vexed with your highness, and vents her frustration by abusing the court. No one dares retaliate of course, and yes one expects to suffer in Hell. But I fear I have reached my limit, to wit. I mean seriously.  

Dean: I got a question, how does someone like you...

Sister Mathias: End up cloistered away from the world? Are you making fun of me Agent Allman?

Dean: No-no-no. I'm just wondering how somebody quits one life for something completely different, and then believe in it so much.

Sister Mathias: Well, in my case I felt I had no choice. My life had become painful, there was hopelessness. I felt I had to find something larger than myself to focus on. A kind of mission, I guess. You have no idea what I'm talking about I'm sure.

Dean: Don't be.  

Dean: Tell me you didn't think that nun was hot, I think she had a little thing for me too.

Sam: Dean, she was married to Jesus.  

Dean: Hiya Father.

Father Delaney: Pardon me?

Dean: Pardon you? I thought it was the other way around. So uh, I'm here to clean house, need to get some things off my chest.  

Dean: It's the women father, where do I begin?

Father Delaney: Bless me father for I have sinned is usual.
Dean: Right good, yeah so that, and um. So this not something that I'm proud of, I let them think we have more of future than we do, you know. Ah, Gina.

Father Delaney: Gina?

Dean: Oh man, don't get me wrong I mean she was- it was good times; you mean you know how it is the sex and the lasagna, but I was not honest with her. Sometimes I as seeing two maybe three girls at the same time, sometimes in the same day. You get the picture. And it wasn't just Gina, it was endless. It's making me sick.

Father Delaney: And you wish to be forgiven my son?

Dean: I do I need to clean up my act.

Father Delaney: As penance you shall say five 'Hail Marys,' two 'Our Fathers,' and reflect on you transgression.

Dean: And then that's it, I'm good to go?

Father Delaney: One would hope some inner exploration will occur, the prayers are just the beginning to some serious soul searching.  

Dean: What if I said I, I didn't want to die... yet. That I wasn't ready.

Father Delaney: Are you expecting to?

Dean: Always. The life I live, the work I do I pretty much just figured that's all there was to me, you know? Tear around and jam the key in the ignition and haul ass until I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought sooner or later I'd go out the same way I lived, pedal to the metal and that would be it.

Father Delaney: And now?

Dean: Now. Recent events made me think I might be closer to that than I really thought. And I don't know; there's things, there's people, feelings that I-I want to experience differently than I did before, or maybe even the first time.

Father Delaney: Go a little bit deeper perhaps, than with Gina?

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I'm just starting to think there's more to it than I thought.

Father Delaney: Learning that there's more to the universe than your tiny world, can be a frightening discovery. Do you truly believe in God Agent? Because that can be a comfort.

Dean: I believe there is a God. But I'm not sure he believes in us.  

Sister Mathias: I never mentioned her to you, because it didn't occur to me she was connected to the murders. Ever since I've been here I've come across restless spirits of all sorts, they're all kind of sad, harmless. And eventually the poor things go to their rest.

Sam: Wait a second, so you're just comfortable around ghosts?

Sister Mathias: As a spiritual person, I've accepted many planes of existence, and as I've said they've all been harmless.  

Rowena: The Winchesters? Again with the Winchesters. Perpetually the Winchesters.  

Dean: Who mixes their blood and bones into paint? No woman's ever done that for me.

Sam: Is this you thanking me for not doing what you told me to do?

Dean: You know if you had burned the journal we wouldn't have known how to kill her would we?

Sam: Yeah, you're welcome.  

Sam: You know, you were in that confessional a long time... Look man I'm just saying, I'm your brother, Dean, if you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got someone right here next to you.

Dean: Okay.

Sam: I heard what Sister Mathias was saying about you know, hiding pain by taking on a mission, and I know that's what you're doing, that's fine I get it I'm for it too. But I don't buy for one second that the Mark is a terminal diagnosis, so don't go making peace with that Idea, there has to be a way, there will be a way, and we will find it, that's what we do. So believe that.

Dean: Okay, Sammy.

Sam: You wanna try that again like you mean it.

Dean: Okay.  

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