Episode 22

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The Prisoner

Dean: The Mark isn't gonna kill me.

Sam: Maybe not, but... when it's done with you, you won't be you anymore. Dean you're all I got, so of course I was gonna fight for you, because that's what we do. Listen I had a shot.

Dean: Yeah you had a shot. Charlie's dead, nice shot.

Sam: You think I... you think I'm ever going to forgive myself for that?

Dean: You wanna know what I think? I think it should be you up there and not her. This thing with Cas and the book ends now. Shut it down before somebody else gets hurt, you understand me?  

Rowena: I'm sorry, you're just fascinating, an angel that rejected Heaven. That's like a fish that wants to fly or a dog that thinks it's people.

Castiel: Well, I'm a lot like people.

Rowena: Keep telling yourself that dear.  

Castiel: What about her?

Sam: Guess.

Castiel: I'd be happy to kill her, she just called me a fish.  

Sam: Cas, go find Dean. Make sure he doesn't go too far off the reservation, okay?

Castiel: What are you doing?

Sam: I'm saving my brother.

Castiel: You told Dean-

Sam: I know what I told Dean. Cas, look, I've been the one out there messed up and scared and alone.

Castiel: And Dean, he did whatever he could to save you.

Sam: Yes. I mean, it's become his thing. I owe him this. I owe him everything. Look, I know he pretends that he can ride the Mark out, but you and I know the truth. You know what happens if we don't cure him. We both know where that road ends.

Castiel: Black eyes and blood.

Sam: Yes. Go. Find him, Cas. Keep him safe.  

Sheriff: You can't take on the Stynes. They own this town, they're practically gods around here.

Dean: Yeah, well I kill gods.  

Crowley: Thought you were the smart one, working with my mother, you insane? You actually trust her?

Sam: Of course not. Not even a little.

Crowley: Then why? What does she have over you?

Sam: Would you just die already?

Crowley: That's what I get.

Sam: What?

Crowley: I said, that's what I get for trying to be the good guy.

Sam: Wait a second, so you're the good guy?

Crowley: do you have any idea what I've been at this past year? The changes I've made to Hell.

Sam: Am I supposed to be impressed by that?

Crowley: Yes! I thought if I did better, I might actually feel something again. That it might matter.

Sam: It doesn't matter. You know, maybe everybody else forgot about the bad you've done, but I haven't. I have watched you kill people, Crowley, innocent people, people I cared about, people I loved. So yeah, you have got the accent and the suit and the snark, but at the end of it, you are a monster just like the rest of them. And I'm going to watch you die, screaming, just like the rest of them.

Crowley: You're right I am a monster, and I've done bad, I've done thing you can't even imagine. Horrible, evil, messy things. And I've loved every damn minute. So thank you Sam, for reminding me who I really am.  

Dean: The Mark on my arm means that I can't die, I'm not bargaining. You flat line me, I will come back, but I'll come back with black eyes and then you all die.

Eli: We let you go and then what? You just mosey on down the road.

Dean: No, but I will be human. So maybe a few of you live. Maybe.  

Eldon: So this is what I know about Dean Winchester. He's got crappy taste in music, got a hot mom, and he loves flannel. All right, let's light her up.  

Eldon: See you got lucky before, this time I'm sporting some new upgrades. You see my old man-

Dean: Your old man's dead... They're all dead. So you can save me the speech on the three hearts, the two spleens, the seven nipples for the ladies, or the fellas; I don't judge. But even with all that, you still only have one brain.

Eldon: So?

Castiel: Maybe you could fight the mark for years, maybe centuries like Cain did. But you cannot fight it forever, and when you finally turn, and you will turn, Sam and everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me. I'm the who'll have to watch you murder the world, so if there is even a small chance that we can save you, I won't let you walk out of this room.

Dean: Oh. you think you have a choice?

Castiel: I think the mark is changing you.

Dean: You're wrong.

Castiel: Am I? Because the Dean Winchester I know would never have murdered that kid.

Dean: Yeah well, that Dean's always been kind of a dick.

Castiel: Dean, I don't want to have to hurt you.

Dean: I don't think that's going to be a problem.

Castiel: No, Dean. Please.

Dean: You and Sam stay the hell away from me. The next time, I won't miss.  

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