hi, welcome back! i'm glad you're still staying strong and you're not giving up when some days are harder.this time we'll be talking about anxiety. the emotion we don't want to feel and we want to forget all our worries, but we can't. with this chapter, i hope i can help you calm your anxiety down, and maybe even get rid of it.
what is anxiety?
anxiety is one of the worst things on the world. you overthink the tiniest little thinks and think negatively in every situation. most people get panic attacks if they're too stressed out. they're probably having a panic attack over what feels small to you, but it feels like the world is falling apart for them.so now that you know the general idea of anxiety, i'll talk how you can try and manage it. anxiety is all about negativity, so try looking at a situation from a different perspective, a positive one. with that perspective you won't be as stressed and things could go out better with a positive mind. some situations are very small so don't let your anxiety tell you it's the end of the world, because it's not, unless the news states that or ww3 is starting but we don't talk about politics here.
it could be a lack of sleep so make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. if you're tired every second of the day due to lack of sleep, things can easily trigger you which can trigger your anxiety as well. anxiety can also come from school/work. we are all very pressured to do our best at school/work but don't think about that. achieve the things you know you are able to achieve. be proud of the things you have achieved, even if it's little, it is still something. of course pushing yourself is good but don't be stressed if you don't reach the limits you're pushing yourself towards to. it can take you some time, or the steps you're taking our too big so slow down a bit.anxiety could be a side effect of any medication you're taking for a mental illness. if you think you're capable of not taking your meds you can try other ways to improve your mental state e.g meditating, writing your feelings out or distracting yourself. if you think you do need the medication then you can ask your doctor for a different one? sorry i'm not sure if doctors can prescribe you different meds so if they can't i'm sorry for my mistake.
ways to cope with it:
if you're having a panic attack the thing you need to focus on the most is your breathing pattern. your breath is most likely really shaky and you feel like you're about to pass out. first, you breath in very slowly for about 7 seconds and if it doesn't work the first time you can try again. when you breathed in hold your breath for 3-5 seconds before breathing out. remember that you can't breath out quickly or your panic attack can get worse. you also breathe out slowly for about 11 seconds. you can repeat this step as many times as you need until
you calm down. also, this can make you fall asleep quicker.another way to cope with anxiety in general is to meditate. i know it sounds boring but i can really help. it takes all your worries away and you become much calmer. while meditating you can listen to calming music. it might not even be music, it could be the ocean waves, or the sound of rain if it's calming for you. i do know an account on spotify that has songs for coping with anxiety, depression and to be calm.
the link:
https://open.spotify.com/user/ambition-music?si=dUcwDxyURICCdc3w-7ibKAa lot of people say to talk to someone's about your anxiety and that can really help you. even if they don't understand it's very important to let your feelings out once in a while or the weight can be too heavy and you can do a bad mistake. an alternative of talking to someone about your anxiety is to write in a diary. you can spill all your feelings out and no one can judge you for it. you are able to say anything to a diary, anything, especially if it has a lock on it, then you know no one will read your feelings if you don't want them to know about it.
if you would want more tips about anxiety/or if i left something out you can dm me. i'll try my best to give you some advice. don't give up!! ily!!-vic
love yourself
Randoma book to teach you self love/care because you'll need it in life - rankings: #22 selfcare