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It was the first day back to school after spring break and she saw Bucky was sucking face with his girlfriend Leah at his locker. She got her books out and went on to class then after school was over she went on to work. That night she was working on her homework when Nat came in and said "You okay you avoided everyone today."

"Next time Nat don't ask me to go to anything." she said 

"What's wrong?' Nat said 

"Nothing is wrong I just I don't want to hang out with your friends anymore." she said 

"Dylan.." Nat said 

"Leave me alone." she said as she pushed Nat out the door and slammed the door shut. 

Nat went to school the next day and told Wanda what Dylan said. "Well maybe she realized that she really doesn't fit into our world after all" Clint said 

Wanda smacked him hard across the face. "You all don't know her you all know what kind of hell she's been through. You all don't even know who she is do you. You all assumed she was some new girl that me and Nat took in." Wanda said 

"Geez baby I didn't think you were going to smack me that hard." Clint said

"She's just a nerd Wanda she will get over what ever it is that's bothering her." Bucky said not realized that Dylan was right behind him at her locker and slammed it shit. 

Nat seen her and said "Good job Buck.."

"What?' he said then she pointed to Dylan walked down the hall with tears. 

"Well I didn't know that she was standing there." Bucky said 

Wanda and Nat tried for weeks to get her to talk about what happened that had her so upset and mad at the world again. On the morning of Mother's day she was at work about to clock in as she was in the bathroom and whispered "I am not pregnant please God don't let me be pregnant with that asshole's baby." 

She flipped over all 4 tests and said "Now this is some sick joke." as she read positive.

After work she said "Dad Natalia can I talk to you two alone." 

"Yeah sure honey." Bill said as they went into his office and she shut the door.

"What I am about to tell you two stays between the 3 of us I don't want Nat knowing until I can find a way to tell her with out her punching someone." Dylan said 

"okay honey what is it." Bill said 

"I um I slept with someone during spring break and um I guess a condom broke. Um I'm very certain he doesn't want to be involved cause he made it very clear it was nothing more than a fling and that once we got back to school everything went back to normal I'm the nerd that everyone picks on and he's Mr Popular that plays his girlfriend when he's drunk or high." she said 

"Dylan baby what happened to contraceptives." Natalia said

"Oh we used condoms I mean there was a few times he pulled but yeah." she said 

"Okay well we will keep this between us and Natalia can help you find a doctor." Bill said

"And one more thing.. I don't want to go back to West Carter High daddy after I finish out these last two weeks I want to go somewhere else or do homeschool." she said 

"Okay we will look into that honey what ever we can do to make you comfortable and happy." Bill said 

Two weeks later Natalia went with Dylan to her first doctor's appointment. "Okay Ms Baylor you look to be 8 weeks along and due December 8th." the doctor said

"Thank you" Dylan said as she took the ultrasounds and they went home. 

Bill and Natalia decided to let her do homeschool and Natalia quit working in his doctor's office to do the program with her. So they ordered everything they needed over the summer by the time July rolled around she was starting to show so she would wear baggy shirts around the house. 

It was the day of Steve's birthday party Nat showed up and Wanda said "Still no Dylan."

"She won't even let me see her. She's either at work or locked in her room." Nat said 

Wanda hugged her and said "We will figure it out." 

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