Bloody Red

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING, this story talks about sui*ide and c*ttung, if you're not comfortable with that click away NOW.⚠

Bakugo's POV

Every person I've met has two different colored eyes.  Every person has their natural eye color in one eye, and their other eye is the color of their soul mates hair. The only way to have two eyes of the same color is if you've already found your soulmate or .   .   . if your name is Katsuki Bakugo. I got bullied in school by everyone! In junior high, I had no friends. U.A is pretty nice though. Kids used to tell me that I have no soulmate, that no one will love me.  .  . I believed them. I got angry at the world. No one will ever love me, so it won't make much of a difference if everyone hates me I feel most comfortable at home because my parents have the same colored eyes, because they've found each other. My name is Katsuki Bakugo, everyone hates me. No one loves me, no one will. I have two sad, evil, broken bloody red eyes. Today was my first day at U.A High school, as I walked to the door I got stared at. As I was walking two people approached me. A guy with green hair, one green eye and his other eye was a red-white mix. Following behind him was a girl with brown hair, one brown eye and one blue eye. (Sorry people if you don't like this but I ship Uraraka with Iida, so that's what I'm doin') he stood there in silence for a second until I spoke up, " Are ya just gonna stare at me, or are ya gonna say somethin!" I yelled at him. He scratched the back of his neck, "So do ya already got a girlfriend? It's just surprising to me, none if us have found our soul mates yet, does sh-" I didn't bother listening to the restf of his sentence, I felt tears form in my eyes so I ran away. I ended up tripping on the way to my locker. "Hey, you okay?" I looked up to see a guy with spiky red hair, one red eye and one yellow eye. My hair was covering one of my eyes he helped me up sorta blushing. After he helped me up he stood there, his hand in mine. That is until my hair uncovered my other eye. He quickly let go, "Sorry man, didn't realize you had a girlfr-" I cut him off, "I don't have a freaking girlfriend okay! Now leave me alone!!" The words just slipped out of my mouth, I couldn't tell if it was because he's the second person today asking me about a girlfriend.... or if it's that I thought he was cute, and I found warmth in his hand. I shouldn't bother getting close or falling in love with any one, they will never like me in return I told myself this in junior high. I fell in love with a girl, she had long, light blue hair, one green eye and one purple eye. She was always kind to me. She was the only person in junior high I could call a friend. One day she showed up to school and both her eyes were green, she was also holding a guys hand. A guy with purple hair. That day I confessed to her, she laughed at me and told me that I had no soulmate. And that if I did it sure as hell wouldn't be her. She said that my soulmate would be a rat. I've had no relationships with anyone after that, no friends, no girlfriends. I slightly turned around after I felt something tugging at my sleeve. "If you want to talk I'm here for ya." It was that same guy, "My name's Kirishima!" He said with a smile. I started to cry, he then grabbed my arms a little tighter. "Uugh!!!" I screamed in pain he quickly let go. He then grabbed my sleeve and pulled me into the boys bathroom, away from people. He pulled up my sleeve to reveal cuts, from my wrists to almost my shoulder.   .   .

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